The most interesting and innovative idea to come out of the first meeting of the all-party Special Committee on Electoral Reform, or ERRE, was Nathan Cullen’s suggestion, seconded by Elizabeth May, to allow members of the public access to question the expert witnesses before the committee in real time via email or twitter […]
Worse than Trudeau’s elbow
By Frank Moher Yeah, that was a dirty check Trudeau threw at Ruth Ellen Brosseau. It doesn’t look inadvertent to me. Trudeau wades into the gaggle of NDPers blocking Tory whip Gord Brown as he tries to get back to his seat. He reaches for Brown, has a few words with Mulcair, one of the linebackers, then […]
The Mulcair vote: Unfair but essential
By Frank Moher The NDP’s cashiering of Tom Mulcair as leader is both deeply unfair and plainly essential, at least for anyone who wants to see the Party remain able to influence public policy, and maybe one day win an election. As has been widely remarked, Mulcair was for four years one of the best opposition leaders Parliament […]
Afraid of the scaremongers
By Frank Moher Now that the Conservatives’ Bill C-51 is law, having been boosted over the wall by 44 compliant Senators, it’s time for the RCMP to get to work and start arresting people. They can begin with the Conservatives. Because if any organization has been instilling fear in Canadians lately, for blatantly political and ideological ends, it hasn’t been […]
CRA: The Conservative Re-Election Agency
By Montreal Simon We know the Canada Revenue Agency was given extra money by Stephen Harper to go after the political activities of registered charities. We know that the agency seems to be targeting groups that have dared to criticize government policies. But not right-wing organizations that support the Harper regime. But is the CRA now […]
The Video: “Extraordinary, living in a Canada where that sort of idiocy passes for argument.”
March 25, 2015: The Leader of the Opposution doesn’t quite call the Prime Minister an “idiot,” but pretty much. From International Law? We don’t care about no stinking international law. “The Con bench seals laugh and clap at Steve’s joke blowing off the UN and international law because grade six. “Harper went on to explain […]
They hate us for our Charter
By Alison@Creekside Uncanny resemblance, isn’t it? Your “values” aren’t looking too good at the moment, Mr Blaney. Having rushed the 62-page omnibus anti-terrorism bill C-51 through Parliament, the Cons are now demanding it be rushed through committee as well. They wanted to restrict expert testimony to three Public Safety Committee meetings — with one of them taken […]
Note to opposition: Baird was no saint
By Montreal Simon I honestly thought that I would never have to write another word about the Con clown John Baird. And it was such a great feeling. I thought I had said all I needed to say about his shabby political career in this post. But unfortunately I’m going to have to write another post […]
Is this the Conservatives’ new youth strategy? Part 2
Continued from Part 1: By Dave Hall First published on the Port Moody-Coquitlam Election 2015 blog The apparent promotion of these young candidates by party brass and sitting MPs (as noted previously), in addition to the involvement of a well-connected digital agency with clear and deep Conservative party ties, raises a number of questions. Were […]
Is this the Conservatives’ new youth strategy?
By Dave Hall First published on the Port Moody-Coquitlam Election 2015 blog In researching Tim Laidler, the young Conservative candidate in my home riding of Port Moody-Coquitlam, I started to notice a remarkable number of repeated patterns and parallels between his social media feed and those of many other young Conservative candidates across the country. […]