By Montreal Simon I honestly thought that I would never have to write another word about the Con clown John Baird. And it was such a great feeling. I thought I had said all I needed to say about his shabby political career in this post. But unfortunately I’m going to have to write another post […]
John Baird: Big in Palau
By Montreal Simon I didn’t think it was possible that John Baird could shame this country further. Make us look more like stooges, oddballs, or just plain weird eh? But somehow he managed. From the CBC: “Canada is temporarily recalling its heads of mission to Israel and the West Bank, along with its United Nations […]
As the armadas mass in the Gulf . . .
By Montreal Simon The other night I accused Stephen Harper of timing his decision to sever ties with Iran in order to ratchet up tensions just as Benjamin Netanyahu was about to go ballistic. From The Atlantic: “Why is he doing this? “My guess is that he’s saying what he’s saying because he knows he can’t […]