By Frank Moher Yeah, that was a dirty check Trudeau threw at Ruth Ellen Brosseau. It doesn’t look inadvertent to me. Trudeau wades into the gaggle of NDPers blocking Tory whip Gord Brown as he tries to get back to his seat. He reaches for Brown, has a few words with Mulcair, one of the linebackers, then […]
The Mulcair vote: Unfair but essential
By Frank Moher The NDP’s cashiering of Tom Mulcair as leader is both deeply unfair and plainly essential, at least for anyone who wants to see the Party remain able to influence public policy, and maybe one day win an election. As has been widely remarked, Mulcair was for four years one of the best opposition leaders Parliament […]
The Video: “Extraordinary, living in a Canada where that sort of idiocy passes for argument.”
March 25, 2015: The Leader of the Opposution doesn’t quite call the Prime Minister an “idiot,” but pretty much. From International Law? We don’t care about no stinking international law. “The Con bench seals laugh and clap at Steve’s joke blowing off the UN and international law because grade six. “Harper went on to explain […]
The Video: Rick’s Rant: The Speaker who wouldn’t
“Enter the Speaker of the House of Commons, our referee, our saviour of democracy, Andrew Scheer. He says it is not his job to ensure that the government answers direct questions in question period; despite the fact that it’s been in his job description since 1894. “Well, that’s not the way Scheer sees it. No, […]
War: Hey, it worked for Bush
By Alison@Creekside Last week at Goldman Sachs in New York in a Q&A with the WSJ editor, Harper seemed keen to give the impression that the US had taken the initiative and come to Canada cap in hand requesting further military contribution in the fight against ISIS in Iraq: Transcript excerpt : WSJ : “Would you rule […]
Saucy Senate should learn its place
By I’m intrigued by the battle lines drawn over the Senate’s recent decision to reject a terrible and churlish piece of legislation which would attempt to impose an improper and hypocritical set of financial disclosure regulations onto unions — only unions — that don’t apply to charities, corporations, political parties, or even the government […]