By Alison@Creekside Ottawa Citizen: Some say PM could justifiably shut down Parliament in crisis: survey A small but growing minority of Canadians says the prime minister would be justified in closing down Parliament and the Supreme Court in the face of ‘very difficult times,’ according to a survey” What a fabulously leading survey question! Who wants […]
Where’s the video, Commissioner Paulson?
By Montreal Simon Almost as soon as the shooting stopped, and not long after he emerged from his closet, Stephen Harper declared that Canada was under attack by the dark forces of ISIS. And started calling the dead gunman, Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, an ISIS terrorist. Even though he was a mentally ill crack addict. And a […]
Because the Mounties said so
By Frank Moher Does Justin Trudeau have a little meter in his pocket that tells him which way to tack on issues of the day? Does he pull it out and the needle tells him “Slightly Left” or “Slightly Right”? Of course he does. It was passed down to him by the previous leader of […]
The shootings: How the media fed our inner monster
By Montreal Simon You think you know the story. You’ve seen the pictures on TV a million times. Over and over again. You’ve seen how the media have tried to explain what happened, and how they’ve framed the narrative, complete with more heroes than you can count. You know what Stephen Harper wants you to […]
We won’t be intimidated by the PM, either
By Montreal Simon It was for me, strangely enough, the most terrifying moment of a nightmarish day. Standing in a crowded subway station, waiting for a train to take me home, watching the fear on people’s faces. It was only a few hours after most of them must have heard about, or seen what had […]
The Video: Rick’s Rant: The Speaker who wouldn’t
“Enter the Speaker of the House of Commons, our referee, our saviour of democracy, Andrew Scheer. He says it is not his job to ensure that the government answers direct questions in question period; despite the fact that it’s been in his job description since 1894. “Well, that’s not the way Scheer sees it. No, […]
War: Hey, it worked for Bush
By Alison@Creekside Last week at Goldman Sachs in New York in a Q&A with the WSJ editor, Harper seemed keen to give the impression that the US had taken the initiative and come to Canada cap in hand requesting further military contribution in the fight against ISIS in Iraq: Transcript excerpt : WSJ : “Would you rule […]
The Video: Is there a Speaker in the House?
From Speaker Scheer and the death of Parliament: “For years Stephen Harper and his Cons have been slowly killing our Parliament. They have have debased it, they have rendered it impotent. They have reduced it to a scripted horror show, where every question is answered with an attack on the opposition. But yesterday with their […]
Speaker Scheer and the death of Parliament
By Montreal Simon For years Stephen Harper and his Cons have been slowly killing our Parliament. They have have debased it, they have rendered it impotent. They have reduced it to a scripted horror show, where every question is answered with an attack on the opposition. But yesterday with their ghastly leader out of the country […]
“Fair” Elections Act heads to chamber of sober pre-thought
The monster Fair Elections Act, with its “sharper teeth, longer reach, and freer hands,” is being fast-tracked to the Senate even before it passes in the House of Commons because Steve is in a huge rush to ram it — and its accompanying muzzling of Elections Canada’s investigation into Con election fraud in the last election […]