By Alison@Creekside Welcome Dimitri Soudas, Steve’s one time comm. director, campaign tactician, faithful dog since their Reform days, and as of Monday, Steve’s former executive director of the Con Party of Canada after only four months on the job for using his exec position and the Cons CIMS database to try to shoehorn his fiancée Con MP Eve Adams onto an […]
“Fair” Elections Act: Poilievre on the mat
By Montreal Simon The one good thing about the foul Fair Elections Act is the way it has transformed Pierre Poilievre into a parliamentary punching bag. Because it seems that every day somebody is taking a shot at him and his bill. And today it was the election expert Harry Neufeld’s turn to tell Poilievre […]
Standing on the shoulders of Butt
By Alison@Creekside In the House on Monday, Con MP Laurie Hawn’s memory appeared to pick up where Brad Butt’s left off, as he repeated Butt’s earlier allegations — later retracted — about voter information cards being picked up from apartment building lobbies for fraudulent voting purposes. Hawn, as per the vid excerpt above: “In the 2006 […]
L’affaire Butt: What’s not to get?
Are you confused by the Brad Butt affair? We can’t imagine why. Look, it’s simple: The Con MP for Mississauga-Streetsville rose in the House twice on February 6th to say, in defense of the Fair Elections Act, that he’d personally witnessed voter fraud going on in the lobby of “an apartment building.” Then he rose […]
Senate scandal: Robo-Harper
By Montreal Simon It couldn’t have been a more pathetic sight. An angry Stephen Harper lashing out at everybody but himself. Looking absolutely desperate, and sounding like a robot. From “Growing visibly more angry with every allegation coming from a senator that he appointed, Prime Minister Stephen Harper said during question period on Tuesday […]
Humpty Harper?
By Montreal Simon Well I see that the former Law Clerk of Parliament believes that Mike Duffy may have committed no crime. Rob Walsh, who was Parliament’s top legal adviser until 2012, says in theory, a criminal offence would occur if money was given to a senator in exchange for some kind of benefit. But […]
Saucy Senate should learn its place
By I’m intrigued by the battle lines drawn over the Senate’s recent decision to reject a terrible and churlish piece of legislation which would attempt to impose an improper and hypocritical set of financial disclosure regulations onto unions — only unions — that don’t apply to charities, corporations, political parties, or even the government […]