By Montreal Simon OMG. I see Stephen Harper has stolen the spotlight at the G20 summit, by going dictator to dictator, with Vladimir Putin. Stephen Harper told Russian President Vladimir Putin flatly that he needs “to get out of Ukraine,” when the two met at a Group of 20 summit of major economies in Brisbane. […]
The Conservatives’ invented reality
By Alison@Creekside Fakers. Fake F-35 mock up cockpit from Lockheed Martin for DefMin Peter Airshow MacKay to hold $47,000 presser in to announce purchase of 65 Lockheed Martin stealth fighters in 2010. Fake citizenship ceremony in which half of the participants were actually Citizenship and Immigration Canada staff passed off as new […]
Changing the channel on Justin
By Alison@Creekside On Thursday, three days after the Boston Marathon bombings, the Cons still had an opposition day scheduled for Monday — a day on which the opposition parties set the day’s agenda. But then on Friday, an hour after learning that Justin Trudeau would spend it introducing his “Backbenchers’ Spring” motion, Government House Leader […]
Of gazebos and Chief Spence
By Under the circumstances, it’s actually a little surprising that it took this long. Through a convenient leak to the state broadcaster, presumably from the government, evidence has surfaced that hunger strike chief Theresa Spence’s Attawapiskat First Nation does a terrible job of keeping their books. An internal audit which the government ordered last […]
Don’t just thank Jason Kenney — thank them all
By Frank Moher Jason Kenney, or perhaps someone on his ace staff, has come up with a brilliant idea: hosting a petition on his own website allowing the public to thank him for being such a fine minister. Specifically, the petition invites you to thank Jason for “his efforts to streamline benefits afforded to refugees […]
RCMP: Really Carefully Monitoring People
By John Klein (aka Saskboy) How can I write this without sounding, well, paranoid? I believe the RCMP is watching too many people, and abusing its resources. There are plenty of signs this is taking place. And proliferating tech gadgets and social media are only making the matter worse. It worries me. The police should […]
When will Bill Blair do the right thing?
By Frank Moher How is it that Bill Blair is still Toronto’s Chief of Police this morning? How is it that, in the wake of the damning OIPRD report on the “policing” of the G20 summit in 2010, he hasn’t stepped down? How is it he isn’t waking up in his PJs at home this […]
G20: The morons who came in from the cold
By Alison@Creekside The JIG is up. An RCMP “joint intelligence group” — comprised of federal, provincial and municipal police — infiltrated activist groups prior to the G20 and Vancouver Olympics in what they call “one of the largest domestic intelligence operations in Canadian history.” Constable Bindo Showan of the Ontario Provincial Police, one of the two principal undercover Ontario spies, is a […]
Bill Blair’s G20 alibi
By Alison@Creekside An interview with Andre Marin, Ontario Ombudsman and author of the G20 report “Caught in the Act,” sheds a little light on the blackout surrounding who was responsible for ordering kettling at the G20 a year ago. Toronto Police Chief Bill Blair, as we have previously heard, had not heard of the term kettling […]
SIU tries, tries again to identify G20 cop thug
By Alison@Creekside Oversight – noun 1) the action of overseeing something 2) an omission, the failure to do something Dorian Barton was taking a picture of police horses in the park at the G20 summit in downtown Toronto last summer when he was suddenly knocked to the ground from behind with a riot shield, beaten with a […]