By Montreal Simon When the story broke that the Australian attack dingo Lynton Crosby was working for the Cons, I was struck by how angrily the political thugs in the PMO reacted. The Con flak Kory Teneycke tried to play down the news, claiming first that Crosby was not here, and then that all he […]
A Modest Opinion – Voting is so 2009
By Nathaniel Moher Well BC, earlier this month we went out in droves and voted. [Editor’s Note: Actually Natty, “droves” is a bit misleading, only around 50-52 per cent of eligible voters voted.] [Journalist’s Note: Sorry, half? Only half of eligible voters voted? You must mean 102 per cent. Like there’s some controversy that maybe […]
No change please, we’re British Columbian
By Frank Moher That BC’s Libs would be re-elected was a no-brainer; they simply hadn’t done anything spectacularly incompetent enough in the last four years to get tossed-out. The breadth of their win may have something to do with their effective co-option of the environmental movement, thus drawing off erstwhile Green and NDP supporters. And […]
BC’s watershed election
By Alison@Creekside “Environmental blah blah” is how retiring NDP MLA Corky Evans describes the privatization of B.C.’s waterways under the guise of addressing climate change. So-called “green” run of river hydro projects, also known as independent power projects or IPPs, divert water into a pipe several kilometres long and then into a turbine before returning […]
If Harper falls, Layton should too
If the Harper government falls in the next month, let’s keep in mind whose fault it is. Jack Layton’s. That’s right. Mr. blown opportunity himself. But first, let’s get something straight: when the opposition parties started moving toward a non-confidence motion back in November, they weren’t capitalizing on an opportunity to topple a democratically-elected government; […]
Another great RepubliCon idea
By guest blogger Alison@Creekside Dr Dawg relates that Gerry Chipeur “the Alberta lawyer who drafted a power-sharing proposal between Stockwell Day, Gilles Duceppe and Joe Clark in 2000 is now suggesting that the Conservatives should defy the Governor-General if she were to ask the Liberal-NDP coalition to form a new government if the Conservative administration […]
Harper and the coalition of sharks
By guest blogger Frank Moher One thing of which you can be certain: if you’re a western Canadian prime minister, they will eventually try to get rid of you. They, of course, being the central Canadian political operatives and parties who regard it as their congenital right to run the country. It happened to Diefenbaker, […]
Obama elected
What Obama’s election won’t do: Change everything. What it’s already done: Ended 29 years of Bush-Clinton rule. What it might do: Change relations between whites and blacks in the United States. And that might change everything. – Frank Moher
Why we don’t vote
Because of our ridiculous and highly undemocratic first-past-the-post system, the party that most Canadians do not want is forming a government. According to Fair Vote Canada, this stupid, stupid system wasted millions of votes, distorted results, severely punished large blocks of voters, exaggerated regional differences, created an unrepresentative Parliament and contributed to a record low […]
Stephen Harper wins small
The Conservatives may have been re-elected last night, but Stephen Harper lost. He coulda been more than a contender; he could have been the leader of a majority government. But he lost it by being small-minded; his silly, captious comment about artists torpedoed the Conservatives’ momentum in Quebec, and here we are. Over on bobalicious, […]