By Montreal Simon OK. So I was wrong. When Christy Clark became the latest Con stooge to denounce Thomas Mulcair, for simply pointing out that the Dutch Disease is killing our manufacturing sector, I said it could only mean one thing. Big Oil and its Con puppets were scraping the bottom of the barrel. But […]
If Harper falls, Layton should too
If the Harper government falls in the next month, let’s keep in mind whose fault it is. Jack Layton’s. That’s right. Mr. blown opportunity himself. But first, let’s get something straight: when the opposition parties started moving toward a non-confidence motion back in November, they weren’t capitalizing on an opportunity to topple a democratically-elected government; […]
Harper and the coalition of sharks
By guest blogger Frank Moher One thing of which you can be certain: if you’re a western Canadian prime minister, they will eventually try to get rid of you. They, of course, being the central Canadian political operatives and parties who regard it as their congenital right to run the country. It happened to Diefenbaker, […]
Harper blinks
By guest blogger Alison@Creekside CP : “The Liberal motion, which has the approval of the NDP and Bloc Quebecois, reads: ‘In light of the government’s failure to recognize the seriousness of Canada’s economic situation and its failure in particular to present any credible plan to stimulate the Canadian economy and to help workers and businesses […]
Throwing one to the Greens
We’ve invited’s chief bloggers to let us know how they plan to vote in the federal election, and why. Below, Eric Pettifor reports in from Vancouver. If we used the Australian system of preferential voting, I would vote on Tuesday as follows: Green NDP Liberal Satan and his Minions Party Conservative Note: #4 assumes […]
Voting Liberal, without hope
Well, very little time left to make a decision and I don’t have a favourite party. I have been very interested in listening to Green Party candidates and I believe that they ought to have a voice in parliament. So if I lived in a riding with a very strong Green Party candidate, I would […]
May endorses strategic voting — or not
Poll from Nanos Research The G&M; has Elizabeth May endorsing strategic voting for close-race ridings again today, mentioning both VoteforEnvironment and DemocraticSpace as sites to go to for advice/info. VoteforEnvironment is still endorsing May in Central Nova against Peter MacKay, even though the Ekos, Decima and Nanos polls listed there all show her running a […]
Dion’s plan hits home
Let’s talk about real quality of life and how a decent government program can contribute to it. Many years ago, nobody could afford to get into the housing market in Alberta. So the provincial government offered new home buyers an interest-free loan of $5,000 to help out with their downpayment. I took one of those […]
It ain’t over till it’s over. It’s over.
Item: An Angus-Reid poll puts the Conservatives at 38% of the vote, Liberals at 24%, NDP at 21%. The BQ have 9% and the Greens 7%. Item: Green Party leader Elizabeth May will take part in the TV debates after all, thus further splitting the left-wing vote. Items: Former PQ minister Jacques Brassard suggests the […]
Perceiving Dion
Well, Dion has already fallen into the first of the Conservative traps, by letting them put him on the defensive. Straight out of the gate, he’s insisting he’s not the caricature the Tory ads make him out to be. Of course he’s not, but reminding us of the caricature is not exactly the best way […]