By Montreal Simon Uh oh. Beat a drum slowly. Or if you’re in the Harper PMO beat a gong furiously. The Deaner is DOWN !!!! A judge has found Peterborough, Ont., MP Dean Del Mastro guilty of spending too much in the 2008 federal election and falsifying a document to cover it up. Del Mastro […]
Don’t just thank Jason Kenney — thank them all
By Frank Moher Jason Kenney, or perhaps someone on his ace staff, has come up with a brilliant idea: hosting a petition on his own website allowing the public to thank him for being such a fine minister. Specifically, the petition invites you to thank Jason for “his efforts to streamline benefits afforded to refugees […]
Robocalls, Vikileaks: One of these things is not like the other
By Montreal Simon When I hear Vic Toews howling that he’s being victimized. WAAAAAAAH !!!! Because he can’t do his job after being “anonymously degraded” by Vikileaks. “I take strong issue with the idea that House resources would be used to attack secretly a member of the House,” Toews said, adding that the anonymous account […]