By Alison@Creekside Back in June in Ottawa, PM Stephen Harper and House Leader Peter Van Loan quietly met with Scott Walker, the anti-SSM anti-abortion anti-union Wisconsin governor whose imminent 2016 Republican presidential candidacy is already teetering atop a pile of Koch Bros. dark money. When Glen McGregor reported on the meeting, PMO spokesey Stephen Lecce came out of […]
NationBuilder comes to Canada
By Alison@Creekside Ten years ago the Cons bought CIMS, their Constituent Information Management System, and began stuffing it with our phone numbers and adding smiley/frowny faces beside our names and whatever other info they could glean about us. The other parties had their own lesser versions. Most of us first took notice of CIMS when we […]
Leaked docs throw new light on Fair Elections Act
By Alison@Creekside Last week, the Star published a half dozen articles based on secret memos and a 70-page slide show about the Cons’ 2015 election war room strategies, anonymously leaked to them, and as presented to the Conservative National Council (above) by Harper’s former dcomm and now executive director of the CPC, Dimitri Soudas: “Everything we do […]