By Alison@Creekside Back in June in Ottawa, PM Stephen Harper and House Leader Peter Van Loan quietly met with Scott Walker, the anti-SSM anti-abortion anti-union Wisconsin governor whose imminent 2016 Republican presidential candidacy is already teetering atop a pile of Koch Bros. dark money. When Glen McGregor reported on the meeting, PMO spokesey Stephen Lecce came out of […]
L’affaire Butt: What’s not to get?
Are you confused by the Brad Butt affair? We can’t imagine why. Look, it’s simple: The Con MP for Mississauga-Streetsville rose in the House twice on February 6th to say, in defense of the Fair Elections Act, that he’d personally witnessed voter fraud going on in the lobby of “an apartment building.” Then he rose […]
Changing the channel on Justin
By Alison@Creekside On Thursday, three days after the Boston Marathon bombings, the Cons still had an opposition day scheduled for Monday — a day on which the opposition parties set the day’s agenda. But then on Friday, an hour after learning that Justin Trudeau would spend it introducing his “Backbenchers’ Spring” motion, Government House Leader […]
Penashue: Vice is virtue
By Well, at least we have it confirmed for us. The reason that Vic Toews is a Cabinet minister despite being convicted of election fraud, the reason that Peter Penashue is allowed to stand as a Conservative candidate despite being responsible for similar violations of the law, the reason Peter Van Loan is still […]
Ottawa expands its terror kit
By Alison@Creekside Your government announced on Friday that it needs more powers to combat terrorism. Justice Minister Rob Nicholson: “These provisions are necessary to protect our country from the threat of terrorism.” A redo of the panicky, now-defunct Anti-terrorism Act of 2001, the new Combating Terrorism Act includes preventive arrest and forcing people to testify […]
“That was totally useless. Thankyou.”
By Alison@Creekside On Thursday, reporters doggedly tried to wring from Public Safety Minister Peter Van Loan exactly how long he withheld the RCMP’s Firearms Commissioner’s Report in favour of keeping the long-gun registry so that MPs would not have that info prior to passing the bill to scrap it. The report was released two days […]