Dr. Alexander Keewatin (A.K.) Dewdney
A.K. Dewdney has a Ph.D. in Mathematics from Waterloo University.
Dewdney is a professor of computer science at the University of Western Ontario, a mathematician, environmental scientist, and author of several books on a diversity of subjects.
“Primarily my background is in mathematics. I also minored in physics, so I have a good background there. Also, I have done both kinds of scientific research, inductive and deductive, and lately, in the last 15 years, I have been heavily involved in deductive research in biological processes using mathematical models or computer models, and to do that successfully I have to match the predictions of the theory with the outcome of the experiments. So, I have had a fair bit of experience matching up reality with the theoretical predictions. This has helped me a lot with what I accept as good evidence and what I don’t accept as good evidence.”
9/11 Sceptic since?
Dewdney’s suspicions were first aroused soon after the events of 9/11 when he heard reports that “Moslem fundamentalist terrorists were responsible for the attacks.”
“Suicide and the killing of civilians is forbidden in Islam,” he notes.
“I thought that was strange. Then I began to probe the net, within weeks, to find out who was saying what, and to see if there was any credible reason to doubt the official story. Then I ran into the French researcher, Thierry Meyssan, and other websites that began to spring up like mushrooms, and the rest is history, if you like. Within a year and a half, I had thought of testing the cell phone hypothesis, and we did those experiments and they came up negative. Cell phones were not designed for aboveground use, they’re purely for terrestrial communication use, and our experiment bore this out.”
“Take your pick. There are more holes in this thing than a Swiss cheese.”
“Recently a pair of physicists has been studying samples from the massive amounts of dust particles that covered Manhattan from the collapse of the buildings. They have discovered throughout this dust glassy spherals of some kind of silicate compound which had to have been heated to at least 2600 degrees centigrade for those to form. Astronomers use the same criteria for calculating the velocity of meteoric impacts. They find these little glassy spherals that are indicative of high velocity impacts and high temperatures. So, that’s the temperature, and jet fuel only burns as high as 800 degrees centigrade, well below the temperature to create these spherals. The presence of these spherals indicates something going on that has nothing to do with the incoming aircraft. Nothing that was conceivably on that plane could possibly burn at such a high temperature, especially to produce such a wealth of these spherals, because they are everywhere throughout the dust. So, that’s a pretty important finding.”
A.K. Dewdney conducted research experiments into the official claim that several passengers on the four-highjacked 9/11 planes had made emergency cell phone calls before the planes crashed. He concluded from his flight tests that cell phones barely worked, or not at all, at much lower altitudes than the official account suggests.
Operation Pearl: A theory, based on his investigation, focusing on the probability of switching the allegedly highjacked planes with duplicate aircraft while avoiding radar detection, and an explanation of the existent technology and procedures involved in remote control aircraft operation.
Dewdney says, “I’m trying to have a life, even as I do this sort of investigative work. I try to spend no more of a third of my time on this, because I have an ongoing research project that I’m trying to complete. I have a heavy, heavy conservation commitment. Nevertheless, I really feel that I have to do this. Lately I have been doing a little outreach in my own university, contacting some 50 colleagues that I have known over the years. I suggested that, if they would like, I could present a seminar of the evidence so far, and that this is open for discussion, and would they like to see the evidence. About 75 percent have said yeah, we would like to come and look at it. Which kind of surprised me, because these days university faculties are more conservative than the public at large.”
Why should we care?
“We live next to the elephant and whatever affects the elephant affects us almost immediately and intimately. I think the best illustration of that is the preeminence and dominance of the neo-conservative faction in Washington, which has a member in every branch of government, all pressing in the same direction to keep the war on terror alive, and this has resulted in a fundamental loss of freedoms. Anyone who has studied this knows that right away. The Patriot Act for example. And the Canadian government followed suit within months with parallel legislation. Now we’ve lost some of of our freedoms. They can now have closed trials without jury, trial judge only. Evidence given by Intel people who may or may not be telling the truth, we don’t know. There is no way to check it. There is no peer review, no review by jurors, or fellow citizens. That has gone out the window, at least in those cases that are considered sensitive or considered matters of national security. So, that is a serious effect on Canada, the passing of what I see as rather Draconian legislation that, I might add, has a strongly fascist flavor to it.”
lets say that the pentagon was hit by a blind pilot (instead of an unqualified and poorly trained one)
well, i would have a problem with that, because he was defined as blind.. if i found out later that he could actually see, then they would have to revise the official story..
he isnt saying its evidence. its just weird that the corporate controlled media would blame a group that BY DEFINITION would never do it.
what inspired them to give their lives if they forefeit their virgin reward by killing civilians?
*Dewdney’s suspicions were first aroused soon after the events of 9/11 when he heard reports that “Moslem fundamentalist terrorists were responsible for the attacks.”
“Suicide and the killing of civilians is forbidden in Islam,” he notes.*
This, THIS, is what caused him to doubt the Islamic fascist attack on New York and Washington – some presumably fourth-hand understanding that `killing civilians is forbidden in Islam’?
I mean, what do you even say to such ignorance? Is Dewdney even able to read a newspaper? Were all the suicide attacks throughout the world before and since 9/11 all `false flag’ operations, too? ‘Cos, after all, `suicide is forbidden by Islam’.
ho boy