We continue Katrina Kairys’s series on getting to know Canadian politics from the ground up, by volunteering during the 2015 federal election campaign. Previous installments can be read here. By Katrina Kairys “Do we happen to have a sledge hammer? Nope? I guess I’ll have to go grab one tonight.” I give Mira a confused look. […]
Katrina’s campaign journal: New kid on the doorstep
With a lot of young people taking a special interest in this year’s federal election — or at least we hope they are — we begin this special series of reports from one recent university grad who decided to get involved at the campaign level. Watch for Katrina’s updates over the weeks to come. By […]
Is this the Conservatives’ new youth strategy? Part 2
Continued from Part 1: By Dave Hall First published on the Port Moody-Coquitlam Election 2015 blog The apparent promotion of these young candidates by party brass and sitting MPs (as noted previously), in addition to the involvement of a well-connected digital agency with clear and deep Conservative party ties, raises a number of questions. Were […]
Get rich quick, or else
By Alison@Creekside Between September 2008 and August 2010, Scotiabank received a $25 billion bailout amounting to 100% of the bank’s value – or as Steve and Jim preferred to call it at the time: “liquidity support” ***. Last year Scotiabank made a record $6.7 billion in net profit and CEO and president Brian Porter netted a […]
Fair Elections Act: Getting out the kid vote
By Alison@Creekside The Elections Canada video above, promoting the youth vote, is exactly what the Cons intend their Fair Elections Act to put a stop to, an anonymous gov official told The Hill Times, providing them with a link to the video. As you can see, it shows Xs representing ballot votes moving from a rock concert […]
By Dave Brindle To protect his identity, I’ll just call him the kid. He’s only just turned 19 — 19 going on 13. He’s from a broken home where alcohol was the addiction. He was kicked out of high school in grade 11. He’s no longer allowed in the mall. He gets chased out by […]
Start with coats
By Dave Brindle Last year, at the beginning of winter in Edmonton, where the number of street kids is close to 225, Andrew Gagnon was visiting a friend who works with local at-risk youth. “What can I do? What do you need?” he asked her. “Coats,” she said. Gagnon went to his Facebook page, and […]