The monster Fair Elections Act, with its “sharper teeth, longer reach, and freer hands,” is being fast-tracked to the Senate even before it passes in the House of Commons because Steve is in a huge rush to ram it — and its accompanying muzzling of Elections Canada’s investigation into Con election fraud in the last election […]
“Fair” Elections Act: Poilievre on the mat
By Montreal Simon The one good thing about the foul Fair Elections Act is the way it has transformed Pierre Poilievre into a parliamentary punching bag. Because it seems that every day somebody is taking a shot at him and his bill. And today it was the election expert Harry Neufeld’s turn to tell Poilievre […]
Fair Elections Act: Getting out the kid vote
By Alison@Creekside The Elections Canada video above, promoting the youth vote, is exactly what the Cons intend their Fair Elections Act to put a stop to, an anonymous gov official told The Hill Times, providing them with a link to the video. As you can see, it shows Xs representing ballot votes moving from a rock concert […]