By Alison@Creekside The three American senators who took a tour of the tar sands last week, along with Alberta Premier Ed Stelmach, are all members of the Senate Committee on Armed Services. So while they were looking at this: They were seeing this: That fuzzy bit in the red portion that takes up well over […]
DND on friendly fire: Wikileaks, US don’t know squat
By Alison@Creekside One of the Wikileaks war logs released yesterday contained a friendly fire report filed by the 205th RCAG U.S. military unit which states four Canadian soldiers were killed and seven other Canadians and an interpreter were wounded on Sept. 3, 2006, when a fighter jet dropped a guided bomb on a building they […]
The occupation of Afghanistan: “Useless.”
By Alison@Creekside “A bit useless” is how 23-year-old Private Jonathan Couturier, the 131st Canadian soldier to die in Afghanistan, described the Afghan “mission” that took his life. If we are to have standing armies, the very least we can do, the absolute minimum responsibility we have to them, is not send them off to die […]
They stand on guard for we
We are so obsessed with the lunatic antics of George Bush that we forget to monitor the more boring yet equally dangerous (at least, to us) actions of our own government. Last month, on Valentines Day, the Canadian and US militaries signed an agreement allowing the armed forces from one nation to support the armed […]