By John Klein (aka Saskboy) There’s no way to escape the overseeing PRISM eye of the US electronics intelligence service the NSA, right? Not entirely true. If you use American or British nodes to route your Internet traffic, odds are your every communication will be saved for days at least. Still, you don’t have to […]
WikiLeaks’ Canadian secrets not all that secret
By Frank Moher I can tell from our logs that a lot of people are still looking to find out what Wikileaks’ purloined cables have revealed about Canada, but the answer remains: Not a whole lot. Little enough, in fact, that it’s possible to run the Canadian content all in one place, as I’ve done […]
A little 4Chan justice for Mastercard
By Frank Moher So 4Chan has finally found something useful to do with all its suppressed testerone and brought down the Mastercard site, in retaliation for the credit card company’s decision to stop processing donations to WikiLeaks. They’ve also apparently done some serious damage to PayPal (for the same reason), and Amazon could be next. […]
DND on friendly fire: Wikileaks, US don’t know squat
By Alison@Creekside One of the Wikileaks war logs released yesterday contained a friendly fire report filed by the 205th RCAG U.S. military unit which states four Canadian soldiers were killed and seven other Canadians and an interpreter were wounded on Sept. 3, 2006, when a fighter jet dropped a guided bomb on a building they […]