By Frank Moher It is entirely likely that James Moore decided not to run for reelection this Fall in order to, as he told us, “pursue new opportunities and be closer to my young family.” It is also entirely likely he did so because an Ottawa journalist revealed that he had been exchanging “sext” messages with a Conservative […]
Green, gay, and duping the news
By Mark Leiren-Young Green Lantern is gay? It sounds like big news, doesn’t it? It was reported like it was big news. And, of course, loopy American Christians opposed to living in the 21st century proclaimed that DC’s decision to change an iconic character’s sexuality was corrupting their children. Leaving aside the fact that comic […]
SUN TV Snooze Network
By Montreal Simon Well I finally got a chance to watch Sun TV Nooz. After calling my cable channel to make sure I wasn’t paying for it eh? And all I can say is they should change the name of Ezra Levant’s show from The Source to The Sauce. Because anyone who watches this low […]
The Amazing Five Minute News Cycle
by guest blogger Zeff Davies You’ve heard of the 24-hour news cycle created by the incessant need of cable TV news for new sensations? Well, always glad to advance the state of art, we here at now present The Amazing Five Minute News Cycle: 5:35 p.m. I, Zeff Davies, would like to announce that […]