By Montreal Simon Well I suppose it was inevitable eh? Ever since the Quebec students began marching, the Con media has been attacking them like a pack of rabid hyenas. The Con liberal Andrew Coyne called them a violent mob. The windy little teabagger Rex Murphy called their protest a self-indulgent parody. The petty-bourgeois hack […]
Jan Wong’s Globe and Mail blues
OUT OF THE BLUE By Jan Wong Self-published by Jan Wong, distributed by Dundurn 264 pages, $21.99, paperback Reviewed by Brian Brennan Jan Wong was a star of The Globe and Mail newsroom, a driven, gutsy, award-winning reporter who observed the Tiananmen Square massacre at first hand, and tested the limits of Canada’s airport security […]
Death in Vancouver, bluster on Twitter
By Frank Moher A young woman died of a drug overdose in Vancouver yesterday. Her name was Ashley. She became one of the approximately 120 people who will die of drug overdoses in Vancouver this year. She happened to be at the Occupy Vancouver encampment when she died. Or perhaps it wasn’t coincidental. Perhaps she […]
Who needs attack ads when you have the Globe and Post?
By Montreal Simon Well I must admit it’s looking bleak out there. It’s been raining for days. The traffic cones are sagging like most of the population. And the Dark Lord of Canada is working feverishly in his castle preparing to unveil his zombie cabinet under a cone of silence. From The Globe: The pieces […]
Mike Farnworth: gay matters
By Dave Brindle Is BC ready for a story asking if it’s ready for a gay leader? It’s the story that Mike Farnworth, a leading contender to replace the deposed Carole James as leader of BC’s NDP, knew would be told before he announced his candidacy. A story that I, along with NDP MLA Spencer […]
The Harper marriage and the Globe
By Frank Moher While you were enjoying the festive season, The Globe and Mail found itself disagreeing with one of its columnists about an item on its website. The Globe settled the matter with a keystroke. Both parties have since been studiously decorous about the matter, but it deserves a second look before disappearing down the memory hole. On […]
WikiLeaks’ Canadian secrets not all that secret
By Frank Moher I can tell from our logs that a lot of people are still looking to find out what Wikileaks’ purloined cables have revealed about Canada, but the answer remains: Not a whole lot. Little enough, in fact, that it’s possible to run the Canadian content all in one place, as I’ve done […]
Russell Williams: reality is reality
By Frank Moher The Canadian news media have been engaged in a lot of hand-wringing and debate over the Russell Williams trial and their coverage of it. Should they have published photos of him dressed in his victims’ lingerie? Should newspapers have kept the photos off the front page? Should the details of his crimes […]
Postmedia: Layoffs? What layoffs?
By Brian Brennan Television reporter Tom Clark parts company with CTV News, and the network issues a public statement to that effect. Kevin Newman steps down as Global anchor, and his network does the same. But what happens when dozens, perhaps hundreds of print reporters in this country leave their jobs, either voluntarily or otherwise? […]
Canada: Please stop annoying Steve.
By Alison@Creekside “They don’t bother us. It’s just that they are annoying,” a “senior Conservative official” told the G&M’s Dear Jane yesterday about the public’s uproar in reaction to the Cons’ scrapping of the compulsory long-form census. “Census freedom,” this same anonymous Conbot amusingly called it. Apparently we the public are “annoying” to Steve now. […]