Bev Schellenberg My daughter spotted a sign on a big pickup as we drove home the other day. “Bad Ass Truck” it read. “Look, Mom,” she said. “That truck says Bad — [she paused, not wanting to use a naughty word] — you know, like ‘donkey’ — Truck.” The sign was right, though; it was […]
Oh Canada, grow up
Canada’s international reputation will sink into the slime that was once the Arctic Ocean if we don’t stop two monumental hypocrisies: refusing to cap carbon emissions unless China and India do, and, secondly, lecturing Iran on human rights violations when we routinely oppress our own citizens. In both instances, Canadians cannot point the finger at […]
Muzzle your kids
Bev Schellenberg Which of the following causes the most harm to a child? A) Secondhand cigarette smoke in vehicles B) Lead content in spiral journals, jewellery, and paintC) Magnets and squeakers from toys D) Moose burpsE) All of the above Well, let’s see. Doctors at the annual Canadian Medical Association meeting in Vancouver on August […]
Live Earth makes me green
By Sandeep ChauhanNow that the afterglow has subsided, maybe it’s time to talk about Live Earth. I know I’m a sour kinda guy — more likely to rain on parades than join in — but really: what the hell was the point of that? The Live Earth website seems kinda . . . vague. Here’s […]
Still gobsmacked by the G8
So for the past three weeks I have been walking around in a bit of a daze wondering where the hell we go from here. I am old enough to remember the hippies working themselves into hysterics about how the rise of multinational corporations would eventually erode the power of government. That day came and […]
The Feds’ green plan (speaking of noxious emissions)
The federal government’s plan to cut greenhouse gas emissions is a total lie. In fact, it is a plan to allow us to increase emissions while pretending to ourselves that we are not. How that works: the proposed regulations call for intensity-based cuts. This means that emissions will be measured against units of production. When […]
Jack Layton: thanks a lot, buddy
There is a reason that the New Democrats will never form a federal government. They keep making the same mistake over and over again: Stupidity. Years ago, I actually thought the NDP had a reasonable chance at not coming off as butt-stupid until Audrey McLaughlin’s shrieking interjection during a televised three-party debate: “But what about […]