Personal web pages started for the most part at universities, because students and profs all had accounts, so why not? Then the internet opened up to mortals, and a lot of them put up web sites, though often on their own dime. Then along came Geocities, which provided free hosting for people’s web sites. And […]
Other dangerous viruses
The swine flu and overnight singing sensation Susan Boyle have a lot in common, and I don’t mean that in the most obvious (and insulting) sense, so shame on you. The swine flu worked its way into Canada from the south, and the video of the self-proclaimed 47-year old virgin worked its way through the […]
Wormholes on the web
Recently an exploit was discovered on the web that allowed bad web sites to hijack the accounts of clueless Second Life users via a script that would grab the user’s login info from wherever it’s stored in Internet Explorer. I refer to the victims as clueless not only because they use Internet Explorer, but also […]