By Alison@Creekside Nope, not a photoshop this time. It’s CSEC, the Canadian government’s version of the NSA, presenting a hacker conference for computer security enthusiasts this November in Quebec. [h/t Lux ex Umbra] Events scheduled for Hackfest Strikes Back include: Hide yo Apache, hide yo SSH cause they backdoorin’ everybody out there Bypassing Security Controls with Mobile […]
NSA spying: The Canadian Connection
By Alison@Creekside NYTimes: New iPhone’s Fingerprint Scanner: “Coming just one day after leaked documents suggested that the National Security Agency is able to hack into smartphones, the unveiling of a new iPhone with a built-in fingerprint scanner prompted dismay and mockery…” Business Insider: NSA Slides Refer To iPhone Owners As ‘Zombies’ Cryptome/ Spiegel Online: How the NSA Accesses Smartphone […]
RIM’s — er, Blackberry’s — PR win
By Mark Evans While the new and much-anticipated BlackBerry 10 has finally launched, there’s another story that I think is as compelling: the public relations campaign that has happened over the past six months that let RIM arrive at yesterday’s launch with the wind in its sails. The PR work has been an impressive performance […]
BlackBerry 10: RIM’s comeback device
By Mark Evans Research in Motion has thousands of employees but, in some respects, it’s a startup whose prospects hinge on the much-anticipated introduction of the BlackBerry 10 on Jan. 30th. With negative sentiment surrounding Canada’s flagship technology company slowly starting to dissipate as more details about the BB10 are unveiled, I got the opportunity […]
RIM: An ex-insider on what will happen next
By Ruth Haworth The Globe & Mail revealed earlier this week that Research in Motion is planning large layoffs in the next couple of weeks, probably more than 2,000 of its 16,500 worldwide workforce. I got out just in time: I resigned from RIM so recently that my last day was this week and I […]
In 2011, less tech is more
By Mark Evans In 2011, less is going to be more . . . and that’s a good thing. It’s a decision that comes on the heels of a happily hectic 2010 in which my business surged ahead, and a number of other projects (including the mesh conference) consumed time. It was a great year […]