What the devil are we going to do with all the power that the latest computers offer, given that soon you won’t be able to buy a machine with less than two cores on the CPU and less than a gigabyte of RAM? Well, one possibility that more and more people are taking advantage of […]
The data that got away
How can we safely destroy our data? The simplest thing is to not produce any. Then there won’t be any to destroy. Too late? You already have data? Ok, then follow these 4 steps. Never share or lose control of your data. Become a multibillionaire. Create a facility for launching things into the sun. Launch […]
Damn the Nephews for All Spam
Sing, ye gods, the anger of us all, for countless spams that fill our in-boxes. Many a brave soul has attempted to filter them to a junk folder, only to have filters fail in the face of bogus text. And who is it who must bear the blame? It is the nephews, the brothers-in-law, the […]
Tech Predictions for 2007
Can’t really put off the “tech predictions for 2007” bit much longer . . . Could do it tomorrow . . . No, let’s quit the boozing for a sec and just knock something off . . . Okay, I fearlessly predict that things will be the same as in 2006, but with bigger numbers. […]