“Enter the Speaker of the House of Commons, our referee, our saviour of democracy, Andrew Scheer. He says it is not his job to ensure that the government answers direct questions in question period; despite the fact that it’s been in his job description since 1894. “Well, that’s not the way Scheer sees it. No, […]
The Video: Is there a Speaker in the House?
From Speaker Scheer and the death of Parliament: “For years Stephen Harper and his Cons have been slowly killing our Parliament. They have have debased it, they have rendered it impotent. They have reduced it to a scripted horror show, where every question is answered with an attack on the opposition. But yesterday with their […]
The Video: From “Behind Steve’s Nobel nomination”: Aerial footage of Al-Shejaiya in Gaza
The Video: So, how was your Canada Day?
Rob Ford campaigns in Toronto on Canada Day: “A disgrace. An absolute disgrace.” “Just go away.” “Disgusting man.” “Shame on you.” “Don’t go near the children, please.” Children booing. “Get out of my neighbourhood.” “A liar. A liar. A proven, factual liar.” “Keep going, Etobicoke’s a long way.” “Resign.” “Resign.” “Run away, Rob Ford.” Your […]
The Video: SUNdefreude
The Video: Is this Canada’s biggest pothole?
The Video: Rob Ford on Jimmy Kimmel
Once upon a time, a Canadian lad with stars in his eyes, whose name was Rob Ford, went to Hollywood. He wanted to see the movie people up close — the ones who walked the red carpets, the ones who went on talk shows. He wanted to be, as the Little Mermaid sang in his […]
The Video: Philip Seymour Hoffman, “Owning Mahowny”
The 2003 Canadian film Owning Mahowny, based on Gary Ross’s book No Limit, was made for pennies. It grossed pennies. But when Philip Seymour Hoffman wanted to play a role, wanted to make a film, he made it. Roger Ebert wrote of his performance: “Philip Seymour Hoffman, that fearless poet of implosion, plays the role […]