It was a bizarre sight. Stephen Harper standing in front of a giant poster for “Dragon’s Den,” appearing to be deep in prayer.
Although he was only at a newser in Montreal, trying to figure out what to say, after being asked an embarrassing question:
Why is your government promoting Christian values?
“A study published in the Canadian Journal of Development Studies says federal funding for religious aid groups, including Christian ones, is up 42% between 2005 and 2010, while secular aid groups saw their funding stagnate.”
Because it wasn’t an easy question eh? Not after he so recently assured Canadians that he’s not the kind of leader to impose his religious views on anyone.
“I guess like most religious people, I pray regularly and ask for strength and wisdom,” said the prime minister. “You know, at the same time, as a political leader in a multi-faith country, I try to be very careful not to look like I’m trying to impose my particular theological views on our country.”
So what did he say today? That the money was awarded strictly on merit. Which is exactly what CIDA told Agnès Gruda, who broke the story in today’s La Presse.
The lion’s share of this increase went to a dozen NGOs in Western Canada, which received $50 million in 2010, against 29 million five years earlier — an increase of 72%.
Examples? The humanitarian organization Africa Community Technical Services received $655,000 from CIDA in 2010, almost three times more than in 2005. On its website, the B.C. based NGO says it carries out its mission “under the authority of scripture” and “seeking in all we do to glorify our Lord Jesus Christ.”
But then of course to believe that the money was awarded strictly on merit, you’d have to believe that projects to help Haiti have none.
Canada will stop funding new aid projects in Haiti until Ottawa finds a better way for the struggling nation to help itself, says International Co-operation Minister Julian Fantino.
Either because Fantino believes Haitians are too lazy or too dirty.
Fantino also compared Haiti’s terrible state with much-better conditions in the neighbouring Dominican Republic. He remarked about the filth and garbage he saw during his recent visit to Haiti. He wondered how a country with so many unemployed people had not found a way to clean it up.
Or because there isn’t enough money to help desperately poor Haitians. But there is plenty of dough to fund joint projects with Israel.
Canada and Israel took another step forward to strengthen bilateral relations by signing an agreement to jointly foster economic and social development in the developing world.
Carmon was unable to say how many more projects Canada and Israel will work on in the future.
“But the sky is the limit,” he said.
And the sad truth is that Harper and his right-wing teabaggers have turned CIDA into the Con International Development Agency.
They don’t care about Haiti because most Haitian Canadians live in Montreal and vote for anyone but the Conservatives. Increasing the Con share of the Jewish vote and the Ukrainian one seems far more promising.
And Great Faith Leader can’t do enough to pleasure his rabid religious base, whom he depends on to grease his Perpetual War Machine. Or pour enough money into religious organizations, who he’s counting on to provide services to the poor in Canada, after he kills government.
So the lazy unemployed can sing for their supper. Like the poor people in Africa.
But don’t tell that to the MSM eh? Because they don’t believe that the Harper regime has a hidden religious agenda. Even though it’s determining everything from the Con’s foreign policy, to their policies on the environment.
And the inbred village of Ottawapiskat is crawling with Con operatives, with the cold dead eyes of religious fanatics.
Poor Haiti. Poor Canada. Never was a people so easily fooled.
Never was one so betrayed . . .
Who is this ghastly leader who would put religion and politics before the needs of desperate people?
And to what horrible place would he take us?
Jim Messenger says
I always thought Harper was more dangerous than Romney… Cut of the same cloth……..This H is a born-again monster. Him and his crew have to be rooted out of the body politic of the nation… They are a poison.
Nadine Lumley says
Oct. 2006: In his corner suite on the fourth floor of Canada Christian College, the ebullient Charles McVety is hanging up from a long-distance call to a Conservative MP.
“A lot of our friends are in government now,” he confides, “so that makes a lot of things easier.”
Herry69 says
it’s called harper and the corruption party for a reason and these corrupt fools have accumulated the largest deficit in canadian history !!!!!!! thanks to all the a–holes who voted for these id-iots !!!!