I guess it’s safe to say that the people of Ontario weren’t too impressed with Tim Hudak’s vision of the future.
They didn’t like his Made in America plan to create jobs by killing them.
Or the fact he couldn’t count.
And they did send him and his hideous Cons a clear and unmistakable message:
Ontario is still progressive, and so is Canada.
Premier Kathleen Wynne has extended the Liberals’ decade-long rule of Ontario, winning a stunning majority mandate for her ambitious agenda of transit-building and a provincial pension plan – the largest new social program in a generation.
And of course I had my own message eh?
Suck it up losers, and goodnight monster…
Mr. Hudak conceded less than two hours after the polls closed and told supporters he would not lead the PCs into the next election in four years’ time.
Your time as Con leader was too long.
And your concession speech was too short !#@!!!!
But at least Timbit is no longer living in denial. Just dying the slow death of 100,000 cuts.
Which sadly, is more than I can say about Andrea Horwath. Who STILL seems to think that triggering this totally unnecessary election was a good idea. Not a disastrous mistake.
Ms. Horwath promised supporters that New Democrat members of the legislature will “work day in and day out” to hold the government’s feet to the fire. But she has gone from holding the balance of power in a minority legislature to being a third party with the Liberals holding a comfortable majority.
When she should understand that when an NDP bastion like Trinity-Spadina, the riding I live in, goes Liberal.
She’s got a problem, and it will come back to haunt her.
Because surely one should not have to vote for the Liberals to see something like this…
So I don’t have to stare into the sad eyes of so many poor seniors, and feel so hopeless.
But then Hudak and Horwath weren’t the only losers of this election.
So were most of the pollsters, with the honourable exception of Frank Graves.
In short, Wynne appears headed for a victory. Indeed, with these figures, combined with a six-point lead among likely voters, Wynne is likely headed for a majority.
The guy the Harper regime hates so much.
And so were almost all of the pompous pundits in our shabby Con media. Who got it all wrong, shamelessly favoured the Hudak Cons despite their brutish and Made in America plans.
And who like Andrew Coyne tonight, couldn’t conceal their shock…
Or their bitter disappointment…
Which in Coyne’s case sounded so much like something Marie Antoinette might have said.
On her way to the guillotine.
It had me both shaking my head AND humming along…
Because seriously, it really is time that our ghastly punditocracy woke up and smelled the coffee instead of their old farts. Acknowledged that Canada is a progressive country, not a right-wing experiment. And started reflecting our views in the material they produce.
Instead of acting like self-appointed missionaries for the established order, or kissing the asses of their corporate bosses.
The Globe and Mail Editorial Board unanimously agreed to endorse a minority Liberal government for the Ontario provincial election but was overruled at deadline by Editor-in-Chief David Walmsley. Walmsley held the section up at noon last Friday for over two hours, costing the budget-strapped and job-slashing Globe tens of thousands of dollars as Editorial Board editor Tony Keller gnashed his teeth and squeezed out a forced endorsement for Tim Hudak’s Conservatives.
Because that’s pathetic, they’re a joke, and the fact that so many pundits are right-wing in a country that does not share their views is a real SCANDAL.
And the best news? Canada is STILL a progressive country.
We got rid of Tim Hudak.
Oh boy did we EVER !!!!
Soon we’ll get rid of Rob Ford.
Absence has not made the voters’ hearts grow fonder in the case of Rob Ford, according to a new poll. The latest Forum Research poll says the Toronto mayor’s approval rating has reached a historic low, his support continuing to drop as he remains absent from the campaign trail while receiving treatment in a rehab facility.
And then with two Con skulls hanging from our belts, and all the confidence that will give us.
Then it will be HIS turn…