So I am sitting on the couch with a fruity beverage, when my youngest daughter walks up to me with a bucket on her head and says, “I am a mongoose.”
I consider this for a moment and ask, “Do mongooses wear helmets? Or is it mongeese?”
“Mongooses,” she announces, not at all knowingly. “And this is not a helmet.”
“Okay,” I respond, helpless to say or do anything else.
“Okay,” she asserts. And it is. Peace reigns between us. She wanders away to pursue her own projects and I resume sipping.
And so: if the Quebec arm of the Liberal Party wants to refer to Quebec as a “nation inside Canada,” without any sense of what that means or would mean or any purpose other than to delay further constitutional monstrosities, fine with me. It isn’t like Quebec separatists are going away.
And good for Ignatieff too, although I am still not so sure about that guy.