By John Klein (aka SaskBoy)
Who defends the rights and freedoms of Canadians?
A) soldiers
B) police
C) citizens
D) lawyers
E) press
F) politicians
If you came to your own conclusion, and answered “G) All of the above”, then you understand a functioning democracy.
“The government is clearly aware that this ‘law [78]’ would not withstand a millisecond of Charter scrutiny. It actually expires in July 2013, well before challenges could actually wind their way through the Courts. The intention is thus clearly just to bring down the hammer on this particular movement by using methods that the government knows to be contrary to basic liberal-democratic rule-of-law principles.”
Whether or not you disagree with the tuition debate, if you support a free and democratic Canada you have to appreciate what hundreds of thousands of Quebeckers are doing out in the streets for our rights. When part of the system oversteps its bounds, it’s up to the other parts to put it back into line. The citizen peaceful protesters are serving that role now, while the politicians, and police get out of control. If all goes well, the politicians will back down from their illegal law, and lawyers will step in. If things go the wrong way, we’ll be hearing from the soldiers.