Stephen Harper is right to speak sternly about Canadian sovereignty in the Arctic despite the fact that no other country has recognized our claim to it. Even in Canada, people say retarded things like “let the Russians have it so that the Americans can’t”.
I am gobsmacked by such naivete. As much as the Americans have lost their marbles, they are significantly more reliable than the current troupe of hooligans running Russia. Putin is a former KGB guy and hasn’t let go of the dream of Soviet empire. While nobody in the West is going to belly bump with the Russians over their invasion of Georgia, let’s face: Putin and his criminal cronies think they can run Eastern Europe like they are back in the USSR. You think they’re going to recognize Canadian sovereignty with the lakes of oil under the Arctic Ocean? Dream on. You think they’re going to be careful environmentalists? Ha ha ha ha ha.
Okay, neither will the Americans. But all that means is that Harper is doubly right to talk tough about the Canadian Arctic. And it is Canadian, by the way. The Northwest Passage was discovered by the same folks who invaded this country on behalf of French and British interests. So neener neener to anybody who thinks they don’t have to register to motor through our waters. And we should extend anti-pollution legislation. Woe betide anybody who makes a mess up there.
So you tell ’em, Harper.
But I still won’t be voting for you.