For years I have been warning that hatred kills. Like it did in Orlando last Sunday. Or like it did in Britain last Thursday. When the gentle, decent Labour MP Jo Cox was shot and stabbed to death by a another cowardly bigot. And I’ve also warned that the same poison was spreading in Canada. Where […]
Notley and Barrett: The same, only different
By Rod Mickleburgh I wasn’t there, but I bet a lot of tears were shed by Alberta NDP oldtimers last night at the party’s giddy, raucous ‘n’ rollin’ victory celebration in Edmonton. That was certainly the order of the evening on a similar dragon-slaying night long ago, out here in British Columbia. On Aug. 30, […]
Alberta remembers itself
By Frank Moher We ought not to be gobsmacked by the results of the Alberta election, although, of course, we are. But this Alberta has always lived below its surface, and even emerged into the air sometimes, as it did last night. It is the Alberta of the United Farmers of Alberta, who took power in […]
Province over party in Alberta
By Alison@Creekside In three days Albertans go to the polls. Here’s how that’s looking as of yesterday according to 308: As part of his election platform, Calgary-Klein Green Party candidate Noel Keough made a great case for raising corporate taxes in Alberta — the lowest in the country – by just 2% in order to […]