A BoB Short Over there is the Toronto Sun’s response regarding the Ontario Liberal Party’s majority government win on Thursday night. This work of art is a throwback to the one that ran last election on both the Toronto and Ottawa editions of the tabloid, which greeted readers with a simple “We’ve got a Liberal […]
Beer Store madness
A BoB short: Ontario liquor retailer The Beer Store recently released what could be the apogee of their cringe-inducing struggle to maintain their provincial lock on alcohol sales. While the chain is privately owned, almost entirely by foreign companies, an Angus Reid Poll last year showed that only 13 per cent of Ontarians were aware […]
At least somebody wants to visit Toronto
A BoB short Southern Ontario residents beware. According to an independent study released earlier this week, citizens of Windsor, Hamilton, Toronto, and London are more likely than any other Canadians to be devoured by an undead hoard. The report, prepared by University of Alberta engineering graduate and blogger Michael Ross, ranks 20 Canadian cities on […]
Senate scandal: Robo-Harper
By Montreal Simon It couldn’t have been a more pathetic sight. An angry Stephen Harper lashing out at everybody but himself. Looking absolutely desperate, and sounding like a robot. From cbc.ca: “Growing visibly more angry with every allegation coming from a senator that he appointed, Prime Minister Stephen Harper said during question period on Tuesday […]
Taxes are bad — unless, of course, they’re good
By David@Sixthestate.net Here’s a puzzle for my readers: try to guess which one of the following two editorials, each of them discussing a slight bump in the tax rate for the wealthiest individuals, comes from The Globe and Mail, and which one comes from the local leftist rag: An extra two per cent is a […]
A Modest Opinion – We see your Obama and raise you one Wynne
By Nathaniel Moher We’ve done it Canada! Sure, America has just entered the second term of their first black President, but we Canadians just elected our first female Premier! The future is now and the future is equality! I can’t believe it’s taken this long! For ages now people have been saying that women can’t […]
BC throws a film party — for India
Chief Spence and the Prime Minister’s pride
By Montreal Simon(First published December 25th) I didn’t want to blog tonight. I just wanted to enjoy Christmas. But I couldn’t get these two contrasting images out of my mind. Chief Theresa Spence slowly starving to death. While Stephen Harper, with a weird look on his face, plays cribbage. And the Idle No More movement […]
Idle No More: The overnight YouTube roundup
The Idle No More movement approached critical mass yesterday, as tens of thousands of First Nations people and their supporters rallied across Canada, and as far afield as New Mexico and Ukraine. Many of the peaceful protests, featuring round dances and drumming, struck at the very heart of the dominant culture — shopping malls. Others […]
Elections Canada casts a wider net, finally
By David@Sixthestate.net The Council of Canadians has posted a new series of documents in relation to their robocall litigation. As you can see, they are attempting to get an affidavit from an Elections Canada investigator, and Elections Canada is attempting to avoid this. More intriguingly, though, another couple of warrants have been released in the […]
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