By Alison@Creekside Canada’s collateral fallout from the Senate Intelligence Committee summary on the torture of prisoners at CIA “black site” prisons around the world: A spokesman for Public Safety Minister Steven Blaney’s office said Wednesday that Canada does not engage in, or condone, torture by national security agencies but … Canada will act on ‘a tip […]
Omar Khadr: A Child Soldier Comes Home
By Montreal Simon It has been a seemingly endless nightmare, a horror story not only for Omar Khadr, but also for the country that let him down so shamefully. But at least he is finally home. From “Omar Khadr has been returned to Canada and is being held at a maximum-security prison in eastern […]
Edmonton prof schools Omar Khadr
A BoB short Former child soldier Omar Khadr has been receiving more than a lesson in international politics while jailed at Guantanamo Prison, awaiting his return to Canada. He has also been studying a curriculum devised by 15 Edmonton academics, led by King’s University College English professor Arlette Zinck. Now 25, Khadr receives lessons in […]
Toews plays Gitmo jailer
By Montreal Simon It’s a Canadian horror story. A young boy is taken from his Toronto home by his Jihadi father to a place he never should have been. He is riddled with shrapnel, shot twice in the back. The bullets exploding out of his chest and exposing his beating heart. He is taken to […]
WikiLeaks’ Canadian secrets not all that secret
By Frank Moher I can tell from our logs that a lot of people are still looking to find out what Wikileaks’ purloined cables have revealed about Canada, but the answer remains: Not a whole lot. Little enough, in fact, that it’s possible to run the Canadian content all in one place, as I’ve done […]
Day One in Khadr’s kangaroo court
By Alison@Creekside Below: Daphne Eviatar of Human Rights Watch is interviewed as she leaves the courtroom on Day 1 of Obama’s first big pretrial for a military commission into the possible terrorist actions of a 14-year old. Terrible sound, I know, but well worth it for her explanation of how after Khadr has been tortured […]
Canada v. Khadr, abridged
By Alison@Creekside Shorter Supremes :While it is true that the Canadian government violated the Canadian charter rights of a Canadian citizen when it sent Canadian agents to interrogate him in a foreign concentration camp and then turned the contents of that interview obtained under duress over to the owners of that concentration camp, and while […]
Abdelrazik: Let the questions begin
By Alison@Creekside Justice Minister Rob Nicholson announced in Question Period Friday that the government will comply with, rather than appeal, the Federal Court decision ordering it to repatriate Abousfian Abdelrazik, stranded in Sudan since 2003. Good. As Chris Selley writes: “It’s all over but the thousands of unanswered questions”Here’s one. How much did this July […]
Stephen Harper, panicked child
Stephen Harper reminds me of a panicked child, surrounded and overwhelmed in the schoolyard, red-faced and flailing at every perceived enemy and striking not a one. It would be nice if our issues could be solved with quick fixes, but they can’t. For instance, more people in jail does not reduce crime — just glance […]