By Alison@Creekside Please welcome Senator Irving Gerstein, chief Con bagman and in-and-out election scheme perp, to Harper’s Parade of Perps with Perks for what the Mounties allege was his role in trying to kill off the Deloitte audit into the expenses of Mike Duffy. At a Con Party meet earlier this month, Gerstein announced to […]
The Mountie who may bring down Harper
By Montreal Simon I’ve always thought it ironic that a man called Greg Horton should be the one who might bring down Great Timmy Leader by exposing the corruption of his evil empire. But it wasn’t until today that I realized how much we owe that RCMP investigator. From the Ottawa Citizen: “Mountie investigating the […]
What’s in the Duffy e-mails?
By Alison@Creekside According to Mike Duffy, the PMO blackmailed him into taking a bribe to save his own skin and that of the Cons from the wrath of their base. Questions … It seems no amount of $90K carrots or Senate expulsion sticks were spared to shut down that Duffy/Deloitte senate audit. Where was it […]
Text of Duffy: “I met the Prime Minister and Nigel Wright. Just the three of us.”
Sen. Mike Duffy addressed the Senate Tuesday evening regarding allegations of misspending and the motion to suspend him. Here is the text of his notes. Honourable Senators, I rise today against the orders of my doctors who fear my heart condition has worsened after months of unrelenting stress. However the sad truth is, I allowed […]
Harper’s Parade of Perps, Part 4
By Alison@Creekside Please welcome Senators David Tkachuk, Marjory LeBreton and Carolyn Stewart Olsen to the growing family scandal of Steve’s Parade of Perps with Perks. Click here to enjoy them full-size. While Steve is still going with the lone-topgun-Chief-of-Staff-on-the-Duffy-knoll-with-chequebook story, his perps at home are busy fucking that up for him. We were most relieved […]