By Montreal Simon I could run this old video of Peter Kent introducing a documentary where he calls global warming “the greatest threat to life on the planet” and warns that the devastating effects of climate change “will be seen in our children’s lifetime. Or I could run this picture of him returning from the […]
Taking us for a ride
Last Monday, Nissan announced that it is partnering with NEC to make entirely electric, zero-emission vehicles. Reading between the lines and among the web pages, it is clear to me that if we are not very clear with policy-makers, we will be as stuck to big business as we ever were, zero emissions notwithstanding. Here’s […]
Oh Canada, grow up
Canada’s international reputation will sink into the slime that was once the Arctic Ocean if we don’t stop two monumental hypocrisies: refusing to cap carbon emissions unless China and India do, and, secondly, lecturing Iran on human rights violations when we routinely oppress our own citizens. In both instances, Canadians cannot point the finger at […]