With this sixth installment, we conclude Katrina Kairys’s series on getting to know Canadian politics from the ground up, by volunteering during the 2015 federal election campaign. Our thanks to Katrina for keeping our readers’ spirits buoyed with her enthusiasm and humour throughout. Previous installments can be read here. By Katrina Kairys You win some. You lose some. […]
Katrina’s campaign journal: 20-somethings for democracy
We continue Katrina Kairys’s series on getting to know Canadian politics from the ground up, by volunteering during the 2015 federal election campaign. Previous installments can be read here. By Katrina Kairys “Do we happen to have a sledge hammer? Nope? I guess I’ll have to go grab one tonight.” I give Mira a confused look. […]
Katrina’s campaign journal: Election buzz
By Katrina Kairys This is part four in Katrina Kairys’s series on getting to know Canadian politics from the ground up, by volunteering during the 2015 federal election campaign. You can also read installments 1, 2, and 3. With less than three weeks until the election, the federal campaign is coming to a boil. Canadians […]
Katrina’s campaign journal: Party line
We continue Katrina Kairys’s series on getting to know Canadian politics from the ground up, by volunteering during the 2015 federal election campaign. Read installments 1 and 2 here and here. By Katrina Kairys I was blown off last night. I really thought things were going well, and I suppose it started out okay, but we had a difference […]
Katrina’s campaign journal: Dans Outremont
With this second installment, we continue Katrina Kairys’s series on getting to know Canadian politics from the ground up, by volunteering during the 2015 federal election campaign. Read Ep. 1, “New kid on the doorstep,” here. By Katrina Kairys Shortly after canvassing in Toronto, I headed to the province next door to see how the […]
Katrina’s campaign journal: New kid on the doorstep
With a lot of young people taking a special interest in this year’s federal election — or at least we hope they are — we begin this special series of reports from one recent university grad who decided to get involved at the campaign level. Watch for Katrina’s updates over the weeks to come. By […]