By Alison@Creekside The best part of International Trade Minister Chrystia Freeland signing the U.S. corporate rights agreement TPP — the Trans-Pacific Partnership — in Aukland, NZ on Wednesday was that it was done here in this gambling casino, and a casino is where the house always wins. In her 2012 book, Plutocrats: The Rise of the […]
A Tale of Three Kitties: Cats allow cafés to come to Canada
A BoB Short Cats and cappuccinos may not seem the likeliest combination, but the idea has stirred the pot for several entrepreneurs across the country. The concept is simple: Come in for a coffee and play with a few cats while you’re there. The first “cat café” opened its doors in Taipei, Taiwan in 1998. They’ve […]
Popping iodide pills in BC, despite the Experts
By Frank Moher Updated below I travelled to a local health food store on Monday and bought some kelp tablets. I was actually after potassium iodide, but they were already sold out. I am not naturally a health food store habitué — as I write this, I’m finishing up a Teen Burger meal — but […]
Land of the heated toilet seats
Bev Schellenberg The Japanese do “clean” well. When I left during spring break with 27 high school students and two other teachers, I knew our 12-day stay would be packed full of seeing temples and shrines, shopping, staying with the host families, and visiting high schools. What I didn’t realize was how many elements of […]
Lost in transmission
By guest blogger Jonathon Jones I am not a television person by any means. In fact, after packing up and leaving Canada to work abroad in Japan, I went over a year without much access to North American television, or any other for that matter. But that was mostly because I’d forgotten to plug in […]