By The following post is deliberately alarmist. Orwellian, you might say. I’m not trying to paint a picture of what things are like in Canada right now, or even what I think they’ll be like in the near future. I’m not an idiot. But I do want to paint a picture of the sort […]
“Frankenfish” caught; Burnaby residents stop shouting “AIEEE!”
A BoB short: BC’s monster fish has been caught and killed. Dubbed “Frankenfish,” the two foot long snakehead was first spotted on May 13th in a Burnaby pond. An invasive species native to China, the fish is a so-called “top-level predator” with the hellish potential to destroy entire ecosystems. In 2004, a lake in Maryland […]
Oil spill near proposed Enbridge pipeline route
A BoB short: The Gitga’at Nation of Hartley Bay, B.C. has reported an oil spill, between two and five miles long and 200 feet wide inside the Grenville Channel, not far from the proposed tanker route for the Enbridge Gateway pipeline. According to a media release, the spill, believed to be from a sunken munitions […]
Kent Kills Kyoto: Even the Taiwanese animators hate us
By Montreal Simon I could run this old video of Peter Kent introducing a documentary where he calls global warming “the greatest threat to life on the planet” and warns that the devastating effects of climate change “will be seen in our children’s lifetime. Or I could run this picture of him returning from the […]
Some oil sands history wouldn’t hurt James Cameron
By Frank Moher As he continues his visit to the oil sands and neighbouring communities today, James Cameron will have no clue what they represent to many Albertans. He will learn that they are a threat to the health and livelihood of the people who live downstream from them, in Fort Chip. He will learn […]
James Cameron to visit the oilsands: FUBAR!
By Nicole Walyshyn Forget Nancy Pelosi. The news that James Cameron is coming to visit the oilsands, combined with the premiere of Fubar 2 at the Toronto Film Festival last night, creates a perfect PR storm for Alberta. Cameron (who is, of course, the successfully grandiose director of Titanic and Avatar), advised Premier Ed Stelmach […]
Oil sands science seeps out
By Alison@Creekside Remember that two year Environment Committee study on the tarsands that was ultimately shredded because the four parties at the table couldn’t agree on the wording of the witnesses’s testimony? The Lib members of that committee have now released their own report on the testimony and, as Andrew Nikiforuk reports at The Tyee, […]
Stelmach sticks his head in the oil sands
By Alison@Creekside Four “Rethink Alberta” billboards in Denver, Portland, Seattle and Minneapolis proclaim the “Alberta Tar Sands Oil Disaster” is worse than the Gulf Oil Spill Disaster. There’s also a vid. Alberta Preme Ed Stelmach is pledging $268,000 to mount a public relations offensive against the ads and has settled on a most unusual […]
The UVic rabbit problem: lessons from the woods
By Bev Schellenberg Imagine Avatar with a few plot changes. Keep the introduction, the meeting with newly-blue Jake and nimble Neytiri, and the seeds of Eywa floating around Jake in ethereal, foreshadowing bliss. Keep Jake’s hunting mission and the introduction of the Turuk. However, change the plot from the point when the Colonel tells Jake […]
BP given 10 new Gulf leases since spill began
By Alison@Creekside While waiting for the moratorium on offshore drilling in the Gulf to be lifted, the Department of Interior’s Minerals Management Services, these guys, have approved five new offshore drilling projects since June 2. An Exxon Mobil site at a water depth of 1,000 feet and a Marathon Oil site at 775 feet were […]