Stephen Harper is right to speak sternly about Canadian sovereignty in the Arctic despite the fact that no other country has recognized our claim to it. Even in Canada, people say retarded things like “let the Russians have it so that the Americans can’t”. I am gobsmacked by such naivete. As much as the Americans […]
Tattletales have more fun
I wasn’t much of a snitch as a kid, even though my older brother tormented me. It was a pact, a point of honour not to tattle. So perhaps my enjoyment of telling on the bad guys now is a release from the strictures of childhood. Or perhaps they are just so much worse than […]
Politics and energy make history
Canadians have such high hopes for the rest of the world. We are bright eyed and naive. Some of us propose that perhaps if we are very hardworking and ethical, and make symbolic gestures of disapproval, that terrorists will stop butchering people in Afghanistan, or shooting women who dare to learn to read. And the […]