By Jodi A. Shaw Either the media gods have been listening to my pleas or there’s a refreshing new trend in advertising these days. Over the last few months, TV commercials have not only been advertising products and services, but have been encouraging something a little more surprising: gender equality. Amazing! I first noticed it […]
What would Jesus do (if he were on a website and it had ads)?
By Eric Pettifor J.D. Frazer’s book Money for Content and Your Clicks for Free is more interesting for the insight it provides into the business side of the online comic strip User Friendly than as a putative how-to book. (Frazer has written User Friendly under the pen name Illiad since 1997.) As a how-to book, […]
What I’ve learned as an online publisher
By Frank Moher turned three a few weeks ago. We launched on October 16, 2006, and I would have marked the occasion back then, but I’ve been busy piecing our archives back together after our recent redesign. I’m almost done; I’ve got the photos loading in on old stories again, and pretty soon all […]