By Alison@Creekside
Saudi arms deal – check
TPP signed – check
Return of the F35 bid – check
Keystone XL pipeline – check
Energy east pipeline – check
Voted for C-51 – check
Canadian Wheat Board stays ditched – check
Investor-state dispute mechanism ISDS – check
CIRDI mining company catspaw reconfirmed – check
Covered for CSIS in torture cases – check
Voted against all measures for Palestine at the UN – check
“And you just know they’re going to vote in favour of our motion condemning BDS in the House next week,” she fumed, although she allowed this has in fact always been Justin Trudeau’s position.
“The Conservative Party worked very hard for ten years to remake the Canadian brand and it’s like the Liberals stole all our best ideas and stuck their own name on them.”
A Liberal source who spoke on background thinks his CPC colleague is over-reacting.
“New wars, for instance. While Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan says Canada could soon join a military coalition to return to Libya, we haven’t said we’re going to actually bomb any new countries so there’s that.”
“Look on the bright side,” he continued. “Remember 18 months ago when that delegation of Liberal and Conservative MPs and senators went to Jerusalem and sang O Canada at the Canada-Israel Solidarity Rally during Day 23 of Operation Protective Edge?
Remember how rewarding it felt to be Conservatives and Liberals working together in support of Israel’s collective punishment of Palestinians?”
“Sunny ways are here to stay,” he quipped. “Better get used to it.”
Rempelstiltskin™: the salamander
Greenwald/Fishman @The Intercept: Greatest Threat to Free Speech in the West: Criminalizing Activism Against Israeli Occupation
As a vintage Habitant/Canuck living in Israel for 40 years I have come to one conclusion ..
What is good for Israel is good for Canada..
and I am happy that Justin has figured it out too ..