By Alison@Creekside
Please welcome Senators David Tkachuk, Marjory LeBreton and Carolyn Stewart Olsen to the growing family scandal of Steve’s Parade of Perps with Perks. Click here to enjoy them full-size.
While Steve is still going with the lone-topgun-Chief-of-Staff-on-the-Duffy-knoll-with-chequebook story, his perps at home are busy fucking that up for him.
We were most relieved to hear from Senator Tkachuk that even though he was soliciting advice from the Prime Minister’s Office on how to do his audit of Duffy, and Nigel Wright was calling him up wanting to know “When is this thing over with?”, Senator Tkachuk assures us that “no one came to my room and told me what to do.”
Well that’s good to know but with Steve’s former-press-secretary-now-Senator Carolyn Stewart Olsen spearheading the Duffy audit whitewash/rewrite in the steering committee for you, your own room was pretty well always safe, wasn’t it?
That whitewashed audit is now winging its way back to the same perps for further review. Steve’s buddy, government leader in the Senate Marjory LeBreton, has refused to open the hearings, complaining she lives in a town “populated by Liberal elitists and their lickspittle media” and is not getting enough credit for opening up the Senate to Steve’s scandal.
Excellent piece on this from Mound of Sound