Last week, U.S. talk show host Jack Blood offered a dissection of a recent New York Times article about the arrest of two Canadian residents charged with plotting to attack a VIA Rail train. While we haven’t been able to source everything he has to say (we’ve done our best), Mr. Blood is smarter and less bellicose than most of his colleagues on the American airwaves, and his analysis is in welcome contrast to the generally credulous response of Canada’s mainstream dailies.
Listen to the complete broadcast here.
“The Royal Canadian Mounted Police on Monday announced the arrest of two men who were accused of planning to derail a passenger train in an Al Qaeda linked plot.” Can I ask you something, just between you and I? We have been going after “Al Qaeda” (ahem – [our show has] been calling them Al CIA-da for years because we’re completely disrespectful and just rude people. Not because they were invented by the CIA and Zbigniew Brzezinski. That’s just history.)
We’ve been going after Al Qaeda for over 10 years. Obama has been Obomba-ing them on a regular basis. Every day we hear what a great job they’re doing, and they’ve killed the head of this and the cell over here. How is it that we not only have we not eliminated them, but they seem to have gotten stronger than ever before?
Is it time to ask a question? If we believe and buy into all the official bullshit – that’s the official story – how is it that we don’t call for more accountability then?
Why aren’t you doing a better job at this? Could it be, as General Tony McPeak told me sitting two feet away from me once – he was the leader of the air campaign in the Gulf War, Joint Chiefs of Staff – that we’re creating terrorists faster than we can kill them? That’s a nice explanation and all. It suggests that it’s blowback and by killing the terrorists we’re creating the terrorists, and I think there’s something to that. If you want somebody committed to literally blow themselves up and give their lives to hurt you, it’s generally because, I don’t know, you raped their mother or killed their child or their nieces or nephews or father or mother or invaded their land and took all their resources. You know, this kind of thing. Sometimes people just aren’t very happy about that.
So there’s definitely something to that, but all that does is funnel them into the FBI, CIA, FSB if it’s applicable, Mi6, Mossad, ISI. It just drops them into the lap of global super-intelligence and that would be a great thing to go out and lecture people about all around the world. Don’t get into these Al Qaeda units, don’t get into these terrorist cells, because most likely you’re being controlled. Your puppet strings are being pulled by the very people you hate. You know the old adage, “Don’t become what you hate?” Well that just really couldn’t be more applicable, really couldn’t be more precise than that . . .
Back to our story. So the Royal Canadian Mounties have arrested two men and they were accused of planning to derail a passenger train in some kind of alleged Al Qaeda-linked plot. “The police, saying the investigation was continuing, offered little in the way of details or evidence” – because they don’t have to do that anymore . . . . Yeah, [the FBI say they’ve got the Boston bombers] on video and lalala, etc., etc. The only problem is that when you analyze the backpack [in which the bomb was allegedly placed] and analyze their backpacks they actually don’t match. They do match local security – not implicating them, just because you have a similar backpack doesn’t mean you’re guilty. [But] if they have pictures of them (again we’re covering the Canadian story but we’re seeing the exact same thing going on there that’s happening here), if they have actual evidence in video. wouldn’t you think they’d just show it?
What would they lose that would hurt their investigation? That’s all we ever hear. If you killed Bin Laden, wouldn’t you want to at least take some pictures of him dead to assure the rest of the world that you’re not only A) telling the truth but that he’s not a threat anymore or maybe to demoralize this alleged Al Qaeda? No, you just throw his body into the Arabian Sea and then completely eliminate, obliterate, remove, and scrub any evidence of his domicile – his “compound,” I think they called it. Just wipe away all the evidence. And then I think the record would be more [Navy] SEALS have died since then than ever before in one quantity, not in war, by accident. [Editor’s note: See here and here.] So we’re all a little suspicious, that should be fair, right? Does that make you a paranoid conspiracy theorist? No no, see right now we have once again the government putting together and weaving together a conspiracy. They have the theories, they just haven’t showed us the evidence . . . .
No evidence. We just got two guys trying to blow up a train and kill all you people in Canada. We don’t really have any details or evidence. Just trust us. Also, “Canadian politicians and government officials [were] similarly reticent. Assistant Commissioner James Malizia said that the two suspects had received ‘direction and guidance’ from ‘Al Qaeda elements living in’ – yes, you got it – ‘Iran.’” You see now, the Sunnis and the Shias, they hate us so much these groups that have hated each other for a thousand years, and tried to kill each other and maim each other and fight each other – they’re now working together! That’s right. You believe that? Would you like to see some evidence of that? Sorry, too bad. Just trust us.
Iran being blamed for this. I guess we’re all just a little surprised that somehow Iran wasn’t being blamed for the Boston bombings, right? “They added that there was no evidence the effort had been sponsored by the government of Iran.” That’s worth repeating. “Assistant Commissioner James Malizia said that the two suspects had received ‘direction and guidance’ from ‘Al Qaeda elements living Iran.’ but that “there was no evidence the effort had been sponsored by the government of Iran.’” Okay? Okay.
“He declined to speak on how the link to Al Qaeda had been made.” And then the second this spews out of their mouth it just gets repeated and recycled through the American media. “You see, you see? Could these things be connected? Maybe Iran is responsible for Boston.” We’ll get to that in a minute. American Justice at your hospital gurney, while you’re all drugged up. ”Would you like to make any statements, would like to plead anything?” . . . .
“The suspects were identified as Chiheb Esseghaier, 35, who has been living in Montreal, and Raed Jaser, 30, of Toronto.” Toronto a hotbed of activism by the way. “The police said the men were not Canadian citizens, but declined to identify their nationalities or to describe their immigration status in Canada.” Because that might actually open the door to who these people might really be. Because what did we find here [in America], that our two suspects, conveniently enough, had been monitored and maybe even working with the FBI. They don’t really want to answer those kinds of questions. Okay? We’ve got that.
The Chief Superintendent “said the two men had studied train movements and rail lines in and around Toronto, and had been plotting to attack a train operated by Via Rail Canada, the government-owned rail system, within Canada. The police declined to identify what train or train line the men had planned to target or to describe how the derailment was to have occurred.” So there’s no details to the plot, there’s really no evidence to who they were working with, or even that they were even doing anything. Just trust them, because they’ve been so trustworthy in the past.
This is a train that runs from Toronto to New York’s Penn Station. So that gets us into the North American Union territory and this is how “both sides work together!” You would want that, right? What normal person, what average, normal person wouldn’t want to hear that we’re working with the country on the other side of the border, whether it be Canada or Mexico, in a way that keeps you safer? When the fact is we’re actually working with these countries in a way to make you not safer. Mexico would be a good example. Do I need to elaborate on that? I think you all get it. Giving guns to the cartels – untrackable, untraceable guns to the cartels? You really did that? And then you’re protecting their drug shipments up north and protecting one cartel over the other, and the entire government and the entire police force and the military are completely paid off there and nobody seems to care. More of your money flowing down to Mexico. No, they’re not making you safer.
. . . . [But] you’re supposed to feel pretty good about that. Do you feel good about it? So the police have emphasized that the public had never been in imminent danger, quote unquote. “Officials said the suspects had been” – Uh-huh, you got it – “under constant observation and that contingency plans had been made.” So these guys are running around plotting to kill a bunch of people on the train and what I had heard [was] that they have been watched for years, for quite some time. [Editor’s note: The CBC says it was less than a year.] What they’re not telling you and what I’ve yet to glean exactly because this is the last thing they ever admit until you catch them, and then you usually do in this day and age, that they’re actually sponsoring these guys. We’re waiting to read that.
And then here we are again, we have graduate students, one doing biology work in Montréal. So he’s again like James Holmes, like the two suspects for the Boston bombings, seemingly intelligent, of some kind of means, going to schools, working on their careers, then all of a sudden [they] just decide to start blowing things up. The United States ambassador to Canada indicated “the F.B.I. and other American law enforcement and intelligence agencies were involved in the investigation.” That’s again cross-border, interagency, JTTF-on-steroids, because it involves multiple countries but that’s how we roll. I would assume that if it involved another country, even one on our border, that the CIA’s involved, maybe we just don’t mention them right now. But “no one, however, offered any specifics about that involvement or indicated if the plot had a cross-border element.” So you’re not getting that information.
“’These arrests were the result of extensive cross-border cooperation, which is the hallmark of our relationship. Dedicated professionals on both sides of the border brought these arrests to fruition.’ . . . . During the news conference, senior officers of the Mounted Police were asked repeatedly about the link to Iran, which seemed unusual.” This story is just debunking itself basically. “Iran is dominated by Shiites while Al Qaeda is a Sunni organization. But the United States has accused Iran of aiding Al Qaeda in the past.” So it’s okay. They’ve been accused of it in the past, so obviously there’s some truth to it, right? If you’ve been accused of something, it must be true. If someone said it once, it’s true, right? If you saw it on the internet, it’s true. And we’re called conspiracy theorists . . .
“The arrests were made shortly before Canada’s House of Commons began a debate on legislation that would expand the powers of police and intelligence agencies in suspected terrorism cases.” Right? That’s not a coincidence. At all. So they basically kept these guys on in the pocket. This is what happened: They got some dumb effers and, you know, they can easily be taken in and they start pumpin’ ‘em up – “Don’t you want to blow something up? Here, look how bad Canada has been to the people. And wouldn’t you like to do something about it? Man, we got this plan, we could do it, we can all get away with it, and some people are gonna think you’re a hero. By the way here’s like a hundred thousand dollars just to start thinking about it.” So you got these two guys and now they’re doing reconnaissance missions so that the cops, the FBI, whatnot, they’ll have them go take some pictures of the trains, right, so that will be evidence. They have them start to create a trail to incriminate themselves, that’s how this works, right? And they’re on ice, basically, they’re like Osama bin Laden, they’re just laying there on ice ready to be used at the right moment. And the right moment came. Boston bombings, and legislation to steal more of your rights in Canada. All right, so, the perfect storm is pretty much calm, [there’s] not going to be a better time than this, let’s go ahead and tell the public that they were about to be attacked and we’ve been watching them for the last, I don’t know, whatever year[s].
And it follows another event. Earlier this month, “the Mounted Police said two young Canadians” – watch out for the young people today, folks – those young people today blow everything up – that these two young Canadians were from London in Ontario [and had] “died while participating in an attack on a gas plant in Algeria,” allegedly. Just so happens we are looking to invade, and have invaded, and somewhat with boots on the ground, Algeria, and North Africa is our prime target now because of their wonderful resources that we can’t wait to get our hands on without having to pay, you know, any commissions. I mean all we’d have to do is just pay the commissions. Nope. We want it all. “In 2006, the police arrested 18 people in and around Toronto who they said were part of a Qaeda-affiliated group that planned attacks in Canada. Eleven were convicted or pleaded guilty while charges against the remainder of the suspects were dropped.” Should’ve probably not pleaded guilty, you guys, because the other guys all got away. They didn’t have any evidence. So there’s that.
All right. I think we’ve pretty much decoded that one.
Listen to the complete broadcast here.