The Idle No More movement approached critical mass yesterday, as tens of thousands of First Nations people and their supporters rallied across Canada, and as far afield as New Mexico and Ukraine. Many of the peaceful protests, featuring round dances and drumming, struck at the very heart of the dominant culture — shopping malls. Others stopped traffic in various downtowns. The gatheings are in support of Chief Theresa Spence’s hunger strike, now in its 11th day, and fueled by the Conservative government’s monster bill C-45 and its bludgeon approach to the environment and treaty rights.
Below we offer an overnight roundup of video posted to YouTube, chronicling the day’s protests, as well as a few from earlier in the week.
Whitehorse, YK
Victoria, BC
Nanaimo, BC
Yellowknife, NWT
Edmonton, AB
High Level, AB
Lethbridge, AB
North Battleford, SK
Saskatoon, SK
Regina, SK
Winnipeg, MB
Kenora, ON
London, ON
Timmins, ON
Sudbury, ON
Toronto, ON
Ottawa, ON
Akwesasne, ON
Montreal, QC
Rexton, NB
Los Angeles, Calfornia
Shiprock, New Mexico
Green Bay, Wisconsin
“First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win.”
Power to our Native brothers and sisters who are standing up to HarperCON tyranny and leading the way for all peoples in this great land to free ourselves from the iron grip of corporatocracy and their insatiable and unconscionable GREED.
“The Earthly Mother and I are one.”
In Saskatchewan I know there were also actions in Prince Albert and Moose Jaw and on Highway #10.
Thanks for this!
Here’s a video from Calgary
Idle No More – Round Dance Flash Mob – Calgary – TD Square – Full Version