The Long-Gun Registry Lives!!!!!
At least in Québec.
From The Globe and Mail: “The federal government’s plan to destroy all data from its long-gun registry is unconstitutional, a judge has ruled, giving Ottawa 30 days to hand to Quebec records collected from the province’s gun owners.
“‘Quebec didn’t embark in the project of setting up a registry knowing that it would later be deprived of the fruit of its co-operation,’ the judge wrote in a 42-page decision.”
Glory, glory, hallelujah.
How bitter the miserable Con Vic Toews.
“I am disappointed with today’s ruling and will thoroughly review the decision,” Public Safety Minister Vic Toews said in a statement.
“The will of Parliament and Canadians has been clear. We do not want any form of a wasteful and ineffective long-gun registry.”
How ugly the hatred of the diseased gun nutz who would turn us into Amerika…
How perfect the timing.
If there was any doubt that Québec is the last bastion of Canadian values, in this Con corrupted country, now there can be none.
All that remains to be answered is why don’t the English-speaking provinces have the guts, and the decency, to do what Québec has done? And why do so many Canadians roll over so easily?
Oh boy. If I was in Montreal today I would have run, not walked, to this monument where the poor murdered women of the École Polytechnique are remembered.
And I would have said this:
Hey sisters, guess what? We won !!!!!!!!
The filthy Cons and their rabid Republican base tried to destroy your precious legacy.
But we didn’t let them.
Je me souviens. I will REMEMBER . . . .