By John Klein (aka Saskboy):
We’ve had a few days of no new news reported in the robocalls criminal investigation. The story yesterday on the CBC website, while factual, does make one claim that is disputable.
With the public paper trail cold for almost two months, there’s still little that’s certain in the Elections Canada investigation[…]
Alison’s preemptive retort says it best:
The trail is not so much ‘cold’ as overwhelming.
No, the main story is :
Why did someone in the Guelph Con campaign – who would normally call RackNine to set up legit campaign robocalls directly via their Rogers IP- feel the need to use a proxy server to hide their ID at all?
There are the facts CBC presents, and there are the obvious deductions to make from them. Those deductions should have led to charges being laid, and/or a Royal Commission to be called into how Elections Canada could bungle and delay this investigation so badly that a random Canadian in Regina with an IT background could stay ahead of their progress to a certain extent. How well do you think the perpetrators feel knowing they’ve had a year to cover their tracks, and let evidence like the Shoppers Drug Mart tapes be destroyed?
CBC also left off this big fact (as reported in newspapers):
Why is one of the three CIMS reports downloaded by Andrew Prescott – phone numbers identifying supporters and non-supporters – now missing from CIMS?
That fact points to a cover-up, because the CPC haven’t claimed their system security was violated, and that sort of log doesn’t just go missing. The person at a local campaign who downloaded the phone numbers would not have had the system permissions to remove the log for what they did at CPC HQ’s database. A co-conspirator is at large, (more likely, many of them, in many ridings too) and the media isn’t talking about them because Elections Canada hasn’t revealed any details (or the media hasn’t uncovered them in courts) yet. Since it’s taking EC’s Mathews more than a year to gather evidence for fraud in one riding, if we assume little overlap in the people conducting crimes in 200 ridings, it should only take 100 years to finish investigating so we can get on with trials. (EC added a second investigator, Lamothe, sometime in the last couple months.)
Justice Delayed, is Justice Denied. You’re being denied justice.
For more facts, including recordings and documents revealed so far in the investigation, check out my list. If you know of documents related to this election fraud not yet listed, please leave a comment with a link.