Well I finally got a chance to watch Sun TV Nooz. After calling my cable channel to make sure I wasn’t paying for it eh?
And all I can say is they should change the name of Ezra Levant’s show from The Source to The Sauce. Because anyone who watches this low budget production is going to need it.
I mean I always knew it was going to be bad. But who knew it would be so BORING?
So cheap.
The overall look of SNN, at least in these early days, is of a network trying to do more with less. The sets and lighting are spartan, and the fact that the hosts of various shows keep popping up on other hosts’ shows leaves one wondering if we’re watching a news network or a sketch-comedy show (seriously, when is SCTV’s Earl Camembert going to take a turn behind the anchor desk?).
And so Ezra.
Levant, sensing that Canadians might be ill-prepared for Sun News, cautioned viewers: “Don’t hide under your beds . . . This is not an invasion of Martians . . . We’re about truth and freedom . . .”
Enough. We get the point. Levant seeks to polarize — that is his agenda. He is self-aggrandizing and sanctimonious — also his agenda — but he runs the risk of becoming tiresome real fast. That could be his tragic flaw.
Because let’s face it, that nerd is EVERYWHERE.
His stream of consciousness ravings so absurd and yawn inducing, you have to turn off the sound to enjoy them.
And if that wasn’t bad enough, or the set wasn’t garish enough, the supporting cast of this Con klown network is so ridiculous.
The anchors shout a lot for people who mostly agree with each other, as if music someone else had chosen was playing too loudly. The women smile and nod a great deal. They all wear bright short skirts. None of them have sleeves. About 70 per cent of Sun TV’s programming feels like being trapped at a second cousin’s wedding reception.
Even a kid can see through them.
My son came downstairs while I was watching Sun TV. Fifteen minutes into his oatmeal, not five years from voting age, he laughed and said, “Wow, they’re like little kids who’ve built a cardboard fort, and now they’re pretending dragons are attacking it.”
Yup. Just as I predicted.
Sometime, in the next SIX months. (I’d say three but I don’t want to discourage them.)
When Ezra Levant is reduced to doing the weather.
In a sleeveless dress . . . and pearls.
You’ll know it’s all over . . .
love sun tv listen to cbc read different papers like to take the information and make my own opinion can not remember last time i heard of anybody but sun tv talk about issues like caladonia and the fact that the oil sands are actually good for canada its nice to hear something besides the cbc and globe and mail toronto star same old tired lefty opinions
Ezra Levant and Sun TV are simply trash and puppets of Cory Teneyke and the current PMO,
Cheap tricks they are.
Are you guys that stupid to believe any of this non-sense, this is a penetration of the Canadian system. Pure gabage propaganda is SUN TV, owned by FOX TV, nothing but bullshit and dis-info agents, they’re put there to make the people asking the right questions to look like moronic right-wing terrorists/conspiracy fags. this right/left is all bull-shit put there to devide and control us, don’t fall for it.
But watch for Ruling Eleet to destroy and demonise the right wing, allowing the left ideology to evolve into NWO with Theosophy as it’s dogma.
What characterizes the right wing down to a man is a lack of humor. Life must be dry for you guys.
I guess Sun News and Ezra really have you lefties running scared. This article is pure jealous garbage. You need to wake up and get a life.
Sun TV IS the reason for the NDP surge. Look at the timing. The Conservatives need to pull this travesty before it is too late. I’ve never seen such lame political opinion programming. They need to get some balls and money like Fox and lay it on the line with left wing nancy socialist elites. I want less talk and discussion, and more yelling, muck-raking and ruddy sweaty faces.
Where you see form, I see substance. We taped, watched, and then re-watched Ezra. “Steve Rockwell can go to hell” – Hilarious! Exposing Earth Day, slamming Cuban tourists, and putting up the Mo’ cartoons again – Priceless! No wonder you’re mad, namecalling and crappy photoshopping . . … Ezra’s got you nailed to the barn door, and he’s gonna skin your liberal carcass and then tan the hide. Love it – Go Ezra, Go Sun TV!!
What were you watching. I suppose you would rather watch Liberal TV(CBC & CTV) who distort the truth. Geta a life.
Hey, just wanted people to know whoever wrote this article is misinformed. I’m no fan of Rupert Murdoch, Fox news or his empire… but lets not throw Ezra Levant into the fire because of it. Not only is he entertaining, he’s bringing up important issues. I’m watching him discussing a $15K lawsuit about free speech in Toronto.
This is a biased article looking to push forward a swerved agenda.
I am in no way affiliated with Sun TV, I simply googled it looking whether Rupert Murdoch was behind it and saw this stupidity.
Make up your own mind, dont let droans tell you how to think.
Think. It isn’t illegal yet.
hehe. sun “news” doesnt even make the snore list. its too unimperssive to be listed alongside
something relatively exciting, like a snooze.
its akin to a small town magician busker. you already know the stale old tricks.
“ooo where DID that coin go? ”
I bet the cast of sun news goes to bars after “work” and dance together in a nervous little circle
yes folks, its THAT bad 🙂