By Frank Moher
Item: Rogers expresses “regret” over Maclean’s Quebec cover
After an extensive investigation, has determlned that Saskatchewan sucks. It really, really sucks.
The great state of Saskatchewan asserts that it doesn’t suck, and demands that apologize for saying it does. refuses to apologize for saying that Saskatchewan sucks. It would like to add that it also suckety sucks. Sucks sucks sucks.
CBC: says Saskatchewan sucks. Stay tuned for George Stroumboulopoulos.
The great state of Canada, recognizing that saying Saskatchewan sucks might hurt its feelings, really really wishes that hadn’t said that. So there.
CBC: Great state of Canada condemns for saying that Saskatchewan sucks. Stay tuned for George Stroumboulopoulos.
Worldwide Canadian Enterprises, parent company of, while affirming’s right to say that Saskatchewan sucks, would like to assert that we don’t think Saskatchewan sucks, especially if people in Saskatchewan might stop buying our line of Saskatchewan Roughriders formal wear. Go Riders Go. Suck sucks. Suckety suck sucks. By the way, did we mention that Saskatchewan sucks?
Masthead Online: Guy at who said Saskatchewan sucks resigns to spend more time with family. We don’t really think Saskatchewan sucks. Manitoba sucks.
Saskatchewan really does suck! I call it the “Walmart” province. Cheap, cheap, cheap! Lots of rich farmers who think there is a luggage rack on the hearst, so they can take their monies with them when they die! Behind the times in everything from shopping to house designs to infrastructure to culinary to of course the god aweful 7 months of cold, wind & 12 weeks of summer with wind, wind, wind, Oh ya, the horrible drivers who should be zapped into the middle of the US freeways to learn how to be courteous on the road or get shot!!
How about everything owned by the government so a monopoly on things like power, energy, insurance.
Attitudes of “do not change anything”.
Want to move but husbands feet are planted in this Nothing province!
Saskatchewan Sucks. We’re lucky that the Pontiac Sunfire can’t handle anything more than a flat, straight road, otherwise they’d spread like the plague. Oh wait, forgot you’re not a *True* Saskatchewan unless you resign to die in a place with 7+ months of winter. It’s almost the end of March, only a couple more months to go before Dog Feces Melt season! Riders are worst in the CFL this year, Douche Pride doesn’t earn ya wins, hosers.
Ya Sask really sucks, but its a province not a state you stupid fuck.
The site sucks more
As a fellow Saskatchewan-lover, I’d like to assure you the article is satire. It’s actually about the silly news cycle that followed Maclean’s magazine publishing a silly story about Quebec (see the link). I love Saskatchewan, esp. the area round Sage Hill.
What? Saskatchewan’s a state now? You’re a really friggen stupid arse.
Saskatchewan has it’s setbacks but it’s also got some awesome qualities too. It’s definitely no metropolis and there are certainly a lack of things to do but it’s really a beautiful land if you take some time to slow down. There are thousands upon thousands of untouched lakes up North and some amazing nature scene-scapes that you that are unique. You have to just let it sink in. Absolutely, it’s not for everyone but there is a charm here that goes unnoticed that only the native prairie-people can truly appreciate.
Saskatchewan definitely DOES suck!! Trying to escape!