By Frank Moher
Could Edmonton mayor Stephen Mandel have been any more humourless in his response to Lady Gaga’s cheerful twit-pic from Rexall Place on Saturday? (That’s it to the left.) Crews had removed the letter “O” from a sign to position a spotlight; our lady, or one among her entourage, grabbed a shot of the result and sent it off to her 5.8 million Twitter followers, with the message “Holy mother of laughter.”
“Harrumph, harrumph,” responded Mandel, doing his best imitation of a mayor from central casting. “Some things are disgusting and you shouldn’t have to say they’re disgusting. I think it demeans them more than anything else.”
Look, Edmonton, it wouldn’t hurt you to be known for something other than hockey and mega-shopping for once. Not everyone is exactly down with that “Oil Country” thing anyway, what with the Gulf still recovering from its recent lube job and the oil sands getting the kind of PR once reserved for Tiger Woods. A change to “Oil C untry,” with the world’s most glam pop star as your spokesgrrl, couldn’t hurt for awhile. As for your mayor, his response should be to point out that Ms. Gaga came to Edmonton for two shows while bypassing Calgary altogether, thus proving that, while Calgary may have all the head offices, Edmonton still has éclat. That is all. No more needs to be said. No, really.
Do you still have that “City of Champions” sign on the outskirts? I recommend you switch it up immediately. You know with what.
Jia says
Omg this is funny stuff right here :D, and really, Mandel needs to get a sense of humor >:[ , effing makes us sound like we hate gaga =[
Amanda says
Get rid of Mandel, vote in the 2010 election.
Vote October 4-18th!!
Lots of time… see the advanced voting times and places on the City of Edmonton web site
Be informed check out Dave Dowling for Mayor
Richard says
Considering that this is the same city that has spent 40 years bickering over a stupid airport, I’m not surprised that some Edmontonians are upset over this.
noname says
When has anything Lady Gaga has said or done ever been in good taste? She is just another example of a bad example; enough said.
Bonnie says
LOL……Who would not find it funny. Really should of thought about it before removing the “O”. He better check the signs around “Oil Country”, there may be more “O’s” missing. LOL!
Mike says
I agree with Julie, Mandell needs to go…..quit being a pompus bald asshole Mandell and start representing the city, not your own views. We don’t care what Mandell thinks, just make sure our roads are clear and the potholes are fixed.
Say no to the Expo and the Development of the City Centre Airport! You already fucked up with the Art Gallery, quit wasting our tax dollars.
Oh ya, this was about Lady Gaga, not a fan of hers (not my music type), but she does seem to have a good sense of humour.
Julie says
Good lord. It was some silly potty humour. Kinda like fart jokes. It was a silly chuckle. Mandel needs to get a sense of humour. I wish the people of my fair city would grow brains and vote that clown out of office. I can’t stand the guy.
Yasir says
I was there at the concert I just found this very amusing few who knew this oil country statement will actually make people laugh … Loved the humor with all the stress n anger in this world let’s just laugh it off n just have fun
maclean says
i’m no prude but this does stretch the limits of good taste
Mae-sa says
I saw an Arby’s sign the other day that said “TRY OUR NEW ANUS BURGER”
Christina says
Most Edmontonians think this is hilarious.
Also, Oil COuntry is referring to our Hocky team, not the oil sands, well, not directly, anyways.
Sarah says
I was at the concert.. i love Edmonton and I love Lady Gaga.. I honestly do not think this is such a big idea.. the younger generation of people find this kind of thing hilarious.. If I was famous or performing anywhere and I saw something that random and that funny I would have taken the same photo and posted it as well.. really this has been made a bigger deal then it really is. If this city wants her to come back then they need to loosen up and learn how to laugh. Many people probably dont even know where that picture was taken… seeing as many of the comments people are asking.
Lisa says
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Seriously, Mayor Mandel…grow a sense of humour…