Let me be clear: I am not anti-Semitic. Let me be very clear: I am completely opposed to the current state of Israel. It is not democratic. It is oppressive. It is criminal, both morally and in its refusal to comply with United Nations resolutions.
Let us all be very, very clear: speaking strongly against the criminal activities of Israel is not anti-Semitic. And it is appalling that the Israeli government uses the horrors of the Jewish Holocaust as a smoke screen for its own genocidal activities.
Finally, we need to be realistic: Islamist terrorism is justified largely by the West’s support for the crimes against Palestine. As long as Europe and North America do nothing to stop it, we support it.
International Women’s Day no day off
Where have I been for the last month, you wonder? Working. Working and working. Working some more. Like every other single parent I know. I was going to whine about working 12 hours on International Women’s Day except that, well, that is the whole point about International Women’s Day. What did John Lennon write….women are the “n-word” of the world. Yep.
Mind you, the very best International Women’s Day I ever had was when Vicki Gabereau said, right on CBC radio many years ago, (and I quote): “It’s International Women’s Day…let’s go shopping.” How many letters did she get? Zillions, probably. Mine was one of them. I wrote (and I quote): “Ha ha ha ha ha…”
I wish I could go shopping. I hafta go back to work…