Morons from a group advocating for fathers’ custody rights, Fathers For Justice, could not have picked a stupider place to lobby than the International Conference on Violence Against Women in Montreal. What could the two issues possibly have in common? How could one issue possibly impact another, unless the fathers in question meant to lobby for violent men to have increased access to people they assaulted?
Perhaps these fellas feel that the campaign against violence against women has impacted policy around access. But Canadian law is pretty clear: unless a parent has demonstrated that they are unfit, they have an equal right to their children. If that is not the case, at least pick a credible place to present the issue to Canadians.
Meanwhile, one in three women on the globe has been brutalized. What the hell! It would be a different story if more women had control of policy and the agencies that enforce it. Give women at risk their own security force, their own surveillance cameras. But even here in Canada, only 20.8 per cent of seats in parliament are held by women (if we use the term loosely). Maybe that’s because most of us are stuck at home during the day and working nights because we cannot find safe day care for our kids for — what is it? — 100 bucks a month? Is there no concept of how public policy actually plays out in the lives of women? Duh.
Conferences are very good. Seizing the reins of real power is better. Let’s hope this conference ends with some plans to get more whuppass women elected (if we can find any who aren’t exhausted).