By Jim Henshaw David Bolt was the first professional actor I ever met. I was studying theatre at the University of Regina and he was working for the Globe Theatre doing one of their gruelling tours, taking plays to remote gymnasiums and church basements in the dead of Winter. He undertook that cold and uncomfortable […]
I get it, Cesena
By Jim Henshaw I’ve come to call the last day of the week “Satur-dusty,” a combination of Saturday and the name of my dog. That’s because after putting up with my chaotic work schedule for a week, I make time for her and we go somewhere to hike or swim or do stuff dogs like […]
At least somebody wants to visit Toronto
A BoB short Southern Ontario residents beware. According to an independent study released earlier this week, citizens of Windsor, Hamilton, Toronto, and London are more likely than any other Canadians to be devoured by an undead hoard. The report, prepared by University of Alberta engineering graduate and blogger Michael Ross, ranks 20 Canadian cities on […]
Carbon capture: Opportunity cost; opportunity, lost
By Saskboy One of the more ridiculous logical fallacies that climate change denialists use is that carbon dioxide can’t be pollution because it can also be breathed by plant life. It’s really sweet they care so much about plants’ respiration, but I’m a little more concerned with the survivability of humanity. (Never mind that most […]
Maclean’s: higher, deeper
By Frank Moher Maclean’s keeps digging itself in deeper (and the you-know-what higher) on its Regina file. (See previous post or do a Google search.) On Tuesday, it published a full page ad in the Regina Leader-Post, reprinting a letter to the editor that had run in that paper on January 20th. It begins: “My […]
Thankyou, Maclean’s Man. Thankyou.
See Jonathon Gatehouse fly. See Jonathon Gatehouse soar. Jonathon Gatehouse soars over the firmament, landing only when he or his editors at Maclean’s decide he is needed. He is — MACLEAN’S MAN. Damascus, Minneapolis, Montreal, Tel Aviv, Winnipeg. Jonathon Gatehouse circles the globe and, when duty calls, dons his parachute and jumps. Parachute journalism is […]